CMS webinars for brokers, trustees, and medical scheme employees

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The Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) has released the details of its online training programmes in the second half of this year for healthcare brokers, trustees, and employees of medical schemes.

August: Broker induction training

This programme provides newly appointed brokers with a comprehensive overview of the medical schemes industry, covering the regulatory requirements, ethical considerations, and best practices for serving medical scheme members.

Dates: 28 and 29 August 2024

Location: CMS Online Classroom

Assessment: 30 August

Cost: R400

CPD hours: 7.5 (Ethics and Practice Standards: 4; Technical: 3.5)

An additional session will be scheduled before the end of the CPD reporting cycle.

Click here to register.

September: Trustee induction training

These sessions will benefit newly appointed trustees of open medical schemes. The main aim of the sessions is to help trustees understand their roles and responsibilities under the Medical Schemes Act.

The key topics include:

  • compliance with the Medical Schemes Act;
  • the accreditation of brokers and healthcare providers;
  • an overview of the Prescribed Minimum Benefits;
  • complaints and adjudication procedures; and
  • the financial soundness of medical schemes.

Dates: 18 and 19 September 2024

Time: 9am to 3pm

Location: CMS Online Classroom

Cost: Free

Click here to register.

PMB training: August or November

The Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs) are crucial to ensuring that all members of medical schemes in South Africa have access to essential healthcare services. This workshop provides a detailed understanding of PMB regulations, compliance requirements, and strategies for managing PMB-related issues effectively.

Dates: 16 August 2024 or 8 November 2024

Time: 9am to 12pm

Location: CMS Online Classroom

Cost: Free

Click here to register for 16 August.

Click here to register for 8 November.



If you have any enquiries about the training sessions, please email

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