People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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Causal event charges and TCF

If the Pension Fund Adjudicator had her way, causal event charges would be levied very differently, if at all. In a case reported on in FANews on 3 August 2017, the product provider, in response […]

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Causal Event Charges Challenged – Part II

In Part I, we discussed the product provider’s response to a client’s questioning of how a causal event penalty of nearly R10 000 can accrue where there were no premium payments, commission, marketing or […]

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Causal event charges investigated

An article in Personal Finance titled, Whistle-blower helping FSB with research into penalties announces the contracting of an expert by the FSB to assist in monitoring adherence to prescriptions contained in Directive 153 which […]

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Causal Event Charges and TCF

More clarity on what constitutes causal event charges emerged from a recent Pension Fund Adjudicator determination after the complainant submitted that the deductions were “…exorbitant and do not comply with the principles of […]

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Causal Event Charges and the RDR

A vast number of interpretive articles were published on the retail distribution review discussion paper since its publication. Unfortunately, a number of these added to the confusion, rather than provide clarity on this […]

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TCF and Causal Event Charges

The Pension Fund Adjudicator (PFA) recently ruled on an investor’s complaint regarding the excessive causal event charges. The PFA found in favour of the product house, but was rather scathing in her comments […]

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Causal Event Charges Back in the Spotlight

The latest determination by the Pension Fund Adjudicator (PFA) brought the levying of penalties on retirement annuities, when changes are effected, to the fore again. I was unable to obtain a copy of […]

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FSB Directive on Causal Event Charges

Following on from a recent draft document calling for input from the industry, the Registrar has now published a directive on the maximum causal event charges which may be deducted under Part 5A […]

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Draft Directive on Causal Event Charges

A document from the Registrar of Long-term Insurance was published in June and calls for comments by 31 July 2013. The request for input on the Directive follows in the wake of determinations […]

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Charges in Respect of Investment Policies

The Long-term Ombud recently published two examples of excessive charges on endowment policies which confirmed the view that a revision of product provider costs is possibly a bigger problem than advisor fees. This […]

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