Is ‘bona fide inadvertent error’ a good defence when you’re slapped with an understatement penalty?
The Supreme Court of Appeal and the SA Revenue Service have different views on what exactly this term means.
The Supreme Court of Appeal and the SA Revenue Service have different views on what exactly this term means.
The two core components that must be met to claim a bad-debt write-off from Sars
Companies that incur finance charges should also take note of a recent court case regarding the tax treatment of related or similar finance charges.
A major concern is the contingent liability guarantees of municipalities and some of the state-owned enterprises.
If a trust is not valid, the trustees can be held personally liable for any taxes related to the trust activities.
The South African Revenue Service (Sars) collected an additional R3 billion through its voluntary disclosure programme (VDP) and prevented tax leakage of another R865 million during the 2021 tax year. However, the latest […]
South Africans are increasingly mobile, either working abroad, staying abroad for extended periods, or opting to retire outside of South Africa. This has increased the focus on foreign pension products because South African […]
The limitation on companies setting off any assessed losses against taxable income is about to hit home. Companies that are making a loss will have to find the cash to pay tax on […]
Many taxpayers will again hit a wall when trying to claim any home office expenses during the current tax filing season, despite having worked mainly from home since the start of the Covid-19 […]
The imbalance between the South African Revenue Service (Sars) and taxpayers, particularly when it comes to the dispute resolution process, remains a major concern for the Office of the Tax Ombud (OTO). Some […]
Benjamin Franklin said, “diligence is the mother of good luck”, and that is exactly what is required when drafting an objection to an assessment or additional assessment issued by the South African Revenue […]