People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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FAIS Ombud Settlements

Learn from compliance mistakes made by FSPs An FSP’s interaction with clients must at all times meet the standards set out in the General Code of Conduct. The FAIS Ombud’s Annual report highlighted […]

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A view from the CEO of Discovery Health

The National Health Insurance Bill and the Medical Schemes Amendment Bill – A view from the CEO of Discovery Health The Department of Health issued the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill and the […]

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Advisers add confidence to consumers

Financial advisers add confidence to consumers financial situation A recent research study conducted by Columinate, on behalf of Liberty, shows that seventy percent of consumers who use a financial adviser are more confident […]

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Exemption of services under supervision – part 2

Exemption of services under supervision – Differences between 2008 Exemption and the Draft Exemption (part 2) The FSCA’s discussion on the substance of the Draft Exemption is structured to highlight the significant differences […]

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Low income earners spending more

Old Mutual Savings and Investment Monitor – Low income earners spending more Every year the Old Mutual Savings & Investment Monitor tracks the shifts in the financial attitudes and behaviour of South Africa’s […]

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New “top” Medical Aid 2018

New “top” Medical Aid 2018 – Consulta’s release of South African Customer Satisfaction Index The latest results for the South African Customer Satisfaction Index (the SA-csi) for medical schemes revealed that Medihelp has […]

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Exemption of services under supervision – part 1

Exemption of services under supervision – Differences between 2008 Exemption and the Draft Exemption The FSCA released the “Consultation Paper: Exemption on services under supervision” last week and mentioned that it is necessary […]

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Who owns your LinkedIn profile?

Nowadays everyone has a social media account. In some cases employees also use their personal social networking accounts for work. The question now is: who actually owns those accounts? Even if you’ve never […]

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