SARS pays back R10bn, but some taxpayers’ refunds are being withheld

Taxpayers should inform SARS if they have been unemployed for a full year or longer, to avoid being flagged as non-compliant.

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Compliance Officer Exemption from REs

Board Notice 207 of 2012 was published on 14 December 2012, and now stipulates that the compulsory regulatory exam for COs must be written by 31 December 2013. “Compliance officer” means a compliance […]

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FSB Newsletter 13

The latest newsletter from the FSB focuses on communication with the FSB. A number of readers were unable to open the link contained in e-mail sent on Friday. We obtained a copy this […]

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Understanding the Male Psyche

This is a story which is perfectly logical to all males: A wife asks her husband: “Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they have […]

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Expediency and the Ombud

“The FAIS Ombud’s role is to resolve disputes between financial services providers and their clients in a procedurally fair, informal, economical and expeditious manner.” Thus reads the home page of the Ombud’s website, […]

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Regulatory Changes Envisaged for 2013

New legislation will entail changes to the wording of contracts between insurers and juristic representatives. Alan Holton explains the legislation, and how you can address the changes: Hi Paul Thanks for the most […]

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A Beguiling Tale

One day, when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river, her thimble fell into the river. When she cried out, a good fairy appeared and asked, “My dear child, why […]

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Pension Fund Transgressions now Criminalised

We publish below a press release by Bowman Gilfillan: Employers failure to pay pension fund contributions to become a criminal offence An employer’s failure to pay contributions to a pension fund will become […]

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Minder Rompslomp vir Maatskappye, BK's

Alle maatskappye en beslote korporasies is wetlik verplig om jaarliks opgawes in te dien by die kommissie vir maatskappye en intellektuele eiendom (CIPC). Lesers sal onthou dat daar so ‘n paar jaar gelede […]

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Problems downloading FSB Circular 1 of 2013?

This document, entitled “Disclosure of Fees and other potential Conflict of Interests on Third Party Collective Investment Scheme Portfolios” proved to be difficult for some people to download. Please click here to download […]

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The weekend that was

Ek raak nou al uitgehonger vir die Super 15, en na die naweek se teleurstellende uitslae in die krieket en sokker, begin ek maar solank oplees oor wat vir ons op die rugby […]

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Treasury Response to Comments

A document containing National Treasury’s responses to comments on the Financial Services Laws General Amendment Bill was published recently. The 110 page document makes for heavy reading if you are not a legal […]

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Compliance Audits and Appointments

Appointments We are happy to confirm two new appointments at Moonstone to assist with the increasing demand for our compliance services. Jaconette de Beer will bring her vast experience and expertise to the […]

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Regulation of Tax Practitioners

We found the following on the SARS website: Analysis shows that the compliance of tax practitioners is low. For example, tax practitioners owe more than R260 million to SARS in their own personal […]

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Compliance Report Workshops

Registration closes this Thursday. With some venues already fully booked, we suggest you register, at your earliest convenience. If your annual compliance report is due by the end of February, consider making use […]

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