SARS pays back R10bn, but some taxpayers’ refunds are being withheld

Taxpayers should inform SARS if they have been unemployed for a full year or longer, to avoid being flagged as non-compliant.

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Council for Medical Schemes Accreditation

A draft policy document on accreditation for brokers and broker organisations was published for comment by the Council. Please click here to download a copy. Affected parties have until 13 January 2013 to […]

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Ombud Denies Client’s Exorbitant Claim

The latest (and hopefully last) determination by the FAIS Ombud in 2012 contains two interesting new developments. The first quirk is that both respondents were ordered to pay the obligatory case fee of […]

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Festive Greetings!

The highs and lows of 2012 will differ from person to person. The one thing we will all agree on, is that it was not a boring year. One aspect that stands out […]

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Advisor Prejudice & Vested Interests

By KEN SILKE (B.A. LLB. (UCT) AA Arb, Advocate of the High Court of South Africa One of the prime examples of advisor prejudice is where an Independent Advisor advises a client to […]

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Further to Clem Sunter’s Wish List

Dearly beloved complaints people Please receive into thy electronic memories my contribution to Clem Sunter’s powers of observation. I did it some years ago, but it still holds water in our beloved Sefrica. […]

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FSB Circular 12 of 2012

This circular provides information on the level 1 regulatory examinations. The following aspects are addressed: The extension of the re-write deadline for the RE3 (Key Individual: Category II and IIA) and RE4 (Key […]

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FIC Compliance Contact Centre

The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) has established a Compliance Contact Centre to deal with queries related to compliance with the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, No. 38 of 2001, as amended (FIC Act). A […]

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Oh to be, a referee

We spoke a lot about referees this past year. I thought it fitting to let them have the last say. They always do anyway, do they not? This is a story by one […]

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Avoid Losing your Licence!

On 5 December, the first “Notification of Intention to Suspend Authorisation” (NISA) letters were sent to those people who, according to the FSB’s information, failed to write the required regulatory exams at least […]

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FSB Acts Against RE Dodgers

The title of this article reminds me of a Dickens character. From immediate reactions we received, it appears that not all those who missed the June deadline are artful dodgers. Some simply expected […]

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Illegal Inducements Update

The FSB contacted us, following last week’s article entitled What’s Sauce for the Goose to get more information about the correspondence between a broker and their own consultant. We used the opportunity to […]

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Sny drank uit

Beste Paul Na aanleiding van jou onlangse versoek dat ons jou van interessante gebeure en hoogtepunte in 2012 vertel. Wel, my hoogtepunt is dat my gesondheid hierdie jaar baie verbeter het. Soos die […]

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Inseta Network

A constant refrain in comments from readers is the number of service providers who, in their opinion, jumped on the band wagon to make money out of advisors. Here is an opportunity for […]

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Wouldn’t it be nice if:

there were no suspicions or clouds around our President and he was seen as a totally honest, humble guy who lived in accommodation that most people found surprisingly modest; South African drivers realised […]

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Prohibition of Inducements

The article we published last week certainly elicited wide reaction. What does the Act say? Section 44 on “Prohibition on inducements” reads: No person shall provide, or offer to provide, directly or indirectly, […]

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