SARS pays back R10bn, but some taxpayers’ refunds are being withheld

Taxpayers should inform SARS if they have been unemployed for a full year or longer, to avoid being flagged as non-compliant.

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The Journey Towards Greater Client Centricity

By Florence de Vries It is no secret that, in a few years’ time, only today’s general insurance game-changers will be left standing. Research shows that today’s insurance customer is discerning, time-poor and […]

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Ackers, the Gambler

At this stage of the Super Rugby competition, the words of the Don Schlitz song, made famous by Kenny Rogers, come to mind: You’ve got to know when to hold ’em Know when […]

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CMS Guidance for 2017

The Council for Medical Schemes’ “Circular 48 of 2016: Guidance on benefit changes and contribution increases for 2017” contains the requirements for the assessment of the benefits and contributions for 2017. Apart from […]

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Cost Estimates of Twin Peaks

A huge amount of documentation was published last week by the National Treasury, providing an update on its views on feedback on the Financial Sector Regulation Bill. One document reported the findings of […]

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2017 Budget for Regulatory Exams

A number of our corporate clients are in the process of planning for 2017, and have made enquiries as regards the regulatory exams. Cost Increases In the nearly six years we have only […]

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Financial Intelligence Centre Fixes

Many readers received a “request for account rejected” notification from the FIC following their online registration on the new “goAML” system. The reasons for rejection include: 1) 1st Phase FIC verification (Sec 43b […]

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Remorse as Mitigation in debarment cases

While, in the past, saying sorry and meaning it, assisted appellants, there are limits to what having regret can achieve. Bhupesh Nathoo versus Registrar In January 2016 we reported on an appeal by […]

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Super Rugby Playoffs

The quarter finals are here at long last. I thought you may find it interesting to hear the views from rugby writers in New Zealand, as all three our matches are against Kiwi […]

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2016 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture

This is an extract from the lecture by Bill Gates at Pretoria University. If there is one thing I’m sure of, it is this: Africa can achieve the future it aspires to.That future […]

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Authentication of RE Certificates

We often receive queries from employers regarding the validity of RE certificates produced by prospective applicants. This is indeed wise, as we are aware of instances where people fraudulently replicate documents by means […]

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The proof of the pudding…

A recent finding by the FSB Appeal Board drew attention to the need for honesty and integrity in all circumstances. The Registrar debarred the appellant on 14 September 2015. Timeline On 8 June 2015 the […]

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SA Health Perspective

The Future Health Index 2016 is an international survey which “… highlights the opportunities and barriers to a more connected and integrated form of healthcare that will better serve future generations. By measuring […]

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FICA Awareness Training

Moonstone Business School of Excellence developed an on-line workshop to assist learners to acquire the necessary learning with the least interruption to the business. Obviously, we are unable to build training on your […]

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FSP FICA Obligations

There appears to be a fair amount of uncertainty about what exactly a financial adviser’s obligations under the Financial Intelligence Centre Act are. I suspect that, in many instances, many would rather NOT […]

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All Blacks skep hul eie voorsprong

Baie mense in Suid-Afrika raak warm onder die kraag as van hul landsgenote die All Blacks ondersteun wanneer hulle teen die Springbokke speel. Dieselfde geld vir my as ek sien hoe kollegas wat […]

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Is Loan securitisation legally binding?

My colleague Paull Lawrence recently sent me an interesting article on the subject: Property owners are often taken aback when, after defaulting on the loan repayment, they receive a summons from an entity […]

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