SARS pays back R10bn, but some taxpayers’ refunds are being withheld

Taxpayers should inform SARS if they have been unemployed for a full year or longer, to avoid being flagged as non-compliant.

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Various Types of Questions

A very important part of your preparation is to make sure that you read and understand the information contained in the FSB’s Preparation Guide. According to this document, there are four levels of […]

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Consumer Education: A Joint Responsibility

Education is possibly the single biggest challenge facing South Africa. Current issues like poverty and unemployment can never be eradicated unless there is a major about-turn in the farce currently being dished out […]

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Plan A or Plan B?

Much has been said about factors that may influence Heyneke Meyer’s squad selection for IRB RWC 2015, with injuries and experience being the two major discussion points, and quotas added recently. The thinking […]

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Unclaimed Retirement Benefits

The latest Annual Report of the Registrar of Pension Funds states that approximately Twenty billion Rand in unclaimed benefits is owed to about 3.5 million beneficiaries. Many funds employ the services of tracing […]

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NHI White Paper due soon

According to a Business Day Live report, the long-awaited White Paper on National Health Insurance (NHI), together with a linked discussion document on financing options, are about to enter the Cabinet process. A […]

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Retail Hedge Funds Coming to SA

In February, the Minister of Finance declared hedge funds as collective investment schemes with effect from 1 April 2015. All South African hedge fund operators are required to apply for registration as a hedge fund […]

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Succession Planning for Coaches

Somehow, the Kiwis just manage to outsmart most other countries, and not only on the pitch. Steve Hansen was an assistant coach under Graham Henry for a long time, including two RWC campaigns, […]

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Wheels of justice grind slowly

The latest decision by the FSB Appeal Board concerns a case where the Registrar debarred the appellant for a period of three years from rendering financial services in terms of Section 14A(1) of […]

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RE: Preventing Cheating

The terms and conditions, which candidates are obliged to sign prior to writing the exam, contain a number of rules to prevent cheating. Here are some which you need to be aware of: […]

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RDR and CPD – What to do now?

I received a call from a reader last week asking for advice on which of the three proposed adviser models would suit his situation best: independent, multi-tied or tied adviser? Of the 55 […]

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Inseta Learning Material

The Inseta website underwent a facelift, and learners wishing to download the preparation material for the regulatory exams may experience some difficulty in finding it. Click on this link to go directly to […]

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Private Practitioners take on Genesis

TimesLIVE reports that the medical aid scheme’s attempt to reduce the amounts payable for prescribed minimum benefits met with resistance from the SA Private Practitioners’ Forum who claimed that the scheme’s financial statements […]

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Likelihood of Financial Prejudice

We discussed the importance of when a client’s right to lay a complaint with the FAIS Ombud expires in last week’s Moonstone Monitor. To recap: a client has three years to approach the […]

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O Captain! My Captain!

Contrary to popular belief, this poem by Walt Whitman is not about the late Robin Williams in the Dead Poets Society, but about the death of Abraham Lincoln. O Captain! My Captain! our […]

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Important Exam Day Requirements

Our website contains a more detailed document of what is required. The following is a short extract of some of the problems regularly encountered by our exam venue staff: Attendance Candidates are required […]

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