Book now for Moonstone Compliance’s no-cost FICA webinar

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Bookings are open for Moonstone Compliance’s annual FICA webinar, which takes place on Tuesday, 23 July. There is no cost to attend.

The amendments to Schedule 1 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) published on 29 November 2022 expanded the classes of persons who are deemed to be accountable institutions in terms of the Act.

When it published the amendments to Schedule 1, the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) issued a media release indicating that the FIC would adopt a softer approach to compliance for 18 months to provide accountable institutions with an opportunity to become compliant with the regulations and develop the procedures required to maintain compliance.

This period of 18 months has passed, and accountable institutions can now expect the FIC to adopt a more stringent approach to compliance.

Moonstone Compliance’s webinar will not only review the compliance requirements but also provide more insight into these requirements. The session will be of great benefit to all accountable institutions and their FICA compliance officers.

The webinar will cover the following:

  • A review of the requirements placed on accountable institutions.
  • A review of the registration requirements.
  • A review of the allocation of responsibilities.
  • What accountable institutions should have in place by now.
  • The reporting requirements and the records accountable institutions should be keeping based on the previous reporting requirements issued by the FIC.
  • Practical insights into:
  • The differences between relying on third parties for the collection of information and the outsourcing of functions.
  • The requirements relating to group and franchise structures.
  • The expectations relating to Risk Management and Compliance Programmes.
  • Important aspects of certain Public Compliance Communications issued by the FIC.
  • The screening of staff.

The webinar takes place between 10am and 11.30am on Microsoft Teams.

Registration closes on 22 July. Please click here to register.

There are no CPD points for attending the webinar.

For more information, please phone 021 883 8000 or email

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