Changes to aspects of FAIS Ombud’s approach to handling complaints

The new Rules also incorporate the proposal to raise the Ombud’s jurisdictional limit from R800 000 to R3.5 million.

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Ombud Overturns Rejected Claim

The latest Ombudsman’s Briefcase contains a number of case studies. It is interesting to note that the insurers involved are named in all of these cases. Below is one such a case, and […]

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Proceed with Caution

Indications are that we will, in the next week or two, see updates on a number of proposed legislative changes, including the Policyholder Protection Rules. In the publication of the Phase 1 proposals in […]

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Compliance Deadlines

All too often one sees a list of FSPs whose licences were suspended for failure to submit their compliance reports in time. Category I FSPs with a compliance officer are reminded to submit […]

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POPI and the FSP – Part II

On Monday we discussed the rationale behind the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPI” or “the Act”), some important definitions and the role of the information officer. This article deals […]

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Compliance Becomes a Boardroom Issue

This is the title of an article by Tyler Nunnally and Paul Resnik of Finametrica which was published in the June newsletter of the National Society of Professional Compliance. “Financial services firms face […]

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POPI and your FSP Part I

Despite a lot of early fanfare, little mention was recently made of this important piece of legislation which is bound to impact on each FSP. This overview is, by its nature, very brief […]

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Cost Estimates of Twin Peaks

A huge amount of documentation was published last week by the National Treasury, providing an update on its views on feedback on the Financial Sector Regulation Bill. One document reported the findings of […]

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2017 Budget for Regulatory Exams

A number of our corporate clients are in the process of planning for 2017, and have made enquiries as regards the regulatory exams. Cost Increases In the nearly six years we have only […]

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Remorse as Mitigation in debarment cases

While, in the past, saying sorry and meaning it, assisted appellants, there are limits to what having regret can achieve. Bhupesh Nathoo versus Registrar In January 2016 we reported on an appeal by […]

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The proof of the pudding…

A recent finding by the FSB Appeal Board drew attention to the need for honesty and integrity in all circumstances. The Registrar debarred the appellant on 14 September 2015. Timeline On 8 June 2015 the […]

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Clarity on a refuted claim

Brevity can sometimes also be the soul of a twit. In a recent article on a complaint dismissed by the FAIS Ombud, we wrote: This case concerned a claim that was declined as […]

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Amended 2016 Compliance Reports

Please note that the Cat II, IIA and III reports (Published during May 2016) have been amended. “Note that FAIS Notice 51 of 2016 has been repealed and replaced with FAIS Notice 84 of 2016 and FAIS Notice 52 of 2016 has been repealed and replaced with […]

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To debar, or not to debar?

To rephrase the Bard, this should not really be the question – there is a better option. Representatives appointed in the second half of 2013, and the first half of 2014, and who […]

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Registrar issues warning

FAIS Circular 20 contains a reminder to FSPs regarding what changes in the FSP need to be conveyed to the Registrar within 15 days. Section 8(10)(a)(ii) of the FAIS Act states: “Where a […]

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Financial Statements

Please remember that, if your financial year ended on 29 February, you are required to submit your annual return to the FSB before the end of June. Every year, hundreds of FSPs neglect to […]

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FAIS Ombud Complaints Dismissals

Three recent determinations by the FAIS Ombud varied from what one has become accustomed to over the years. Cornelissen The Cornelissen case, which hinged around a dispute regarding the calculation of costs, concluded […]

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