Changes to aspects of FAIS Ombud’s approach to handling complaints

The new Rules also incorporate the proposal to raise the Ombud’s jurisdictional limit from R800 000 to R3.5 million.

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Excess Recovery and the Client

The importance of conveying material terms to a client was stressed in numerous previous articles. Without the help of a reliable crystal ball it is often a challenge for an adviser to determine […]

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Lapsing of a FSB Licence

A FSP appealed, in terms of sec 39 of the FAIS Act, against a decision by the FSB, dated 15 December 2014, to withdraw its authorisation as a FSP. The decision was based on the […]

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Appeal Board refuses further delays

On 23 February 2016, the Appeal Board received a request for postponement of a hearing scheduled for the following day. The appellant and his attorney submitted medical certificates confirming that they had both undergone surgery […]

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Regulator bares its fangs

A penalty of R2 million was imposed on Abangcwabi Myendeki Funeral Parlour CC for contravening sections 7(1) and 8(3) of the Long-term Insurance Act, No. 52 of 1998 (the Act). “The recommended penalty was […]

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Conveying Material Terms to Clients

There is more to conveying changes in material terms to clients than simply dropping them a note to that effect. The Khoza determination by the FAIS Ombud provides guidelines in this regard. The […]

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FAIS Ombud – Loss assessment disputed

The recent Cornelissen determination by the FAIS Ombud provided insight into a number of very interesting aspects not previously covered in her determinations. The eventual finding is also something new for us. Overcharging […]

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Updated FSB views on Phase 1 Proposals

The following updates were provided at the recent FSB FAIS Conference. Fourteen RDR proposals were proposed to be implemented before implementation of the Financial Sector Regulation Act (FSRA), which was tabled in Parliament […]

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Direct Insurer found wanting by Ombud

Masimdumise Gabriel Bhengu (the complainant) referred a declined claim by Outsurance Insurance Company Limited (the respondent) to the FAIS Ombud. The complaint stems from the complainant’s view that Outsurance failed to ensure that […]

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FICA Inspection Feedback

In 2014, the four major banks were fined a collective R125 million for failing to implement adequate anti-money laundering controls. The Financial Intelligence Centre does not only focus on them, though. FAIS Newsletter […]

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Discount for Burglar Alarm

An interesting case was published in the December Short-term Ombud’s Briefcase. Mr. J submitted a claim against his insurer for contents stolen from his home during a burglary. The insurer rejected the claim […]

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Provident Fund Decision Overturned

An apparently hastily scribbled note from National Treasury titled, Proposal on Postponing the Annuitisation Requirement for Provident Funds for Two Years, confirmed industry concerns that the Taxation Laws Amendment Act, which was promulgated […]

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Notes on Due Diligence

Failure to conduct a proper due diligence procedure is often used by the FAIS Ombud to find against financial advisers. Advisers involved in property syndications and Ponzi schemes, in particular, often felt the […]

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FSB 2015 Annual Report

In response to media speculation about possible reasons for the delay in the publication of its 2015 Annual Report, the Regulator published the following press release: The Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) requires […]

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The Importance of Material Disclosures

In a determination dated 18 December 2015, the Ombud ordered the Respondents to pay R273 715 to a complainant for “…failure by the financial services provider to update the sum insured under the business […]

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