Changes to aspects of FAIS Ombud’s approach to handling complaints

The new Rules also incorporate the proposal to raise the Ombud’s jurisdictional limit from R800 000 to R3.5 million.

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Turn a Deaf Ear

There appears to be two kinds of respondents involved in FAIS Ombud determinations: those who attempt to defend themselves, and those who follow a strategy akin to the Lindesfarne song from which the […]

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Appeal Board Halves Debarment Period

An appellant received an early Christmas box on 24 December when he appealed successfully against a five year debarment for failing to meet the personal character qualities of honesty and integrity. The FSB debarred […]

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Actions flowing from Binder Thematic Review findings

The review focused on 4 main areas: Compliance of binder agreements with regulatory requirements Governance and oversight of binder arrangements Reporting systems and access to information; and Binder fees paid to non-mandated intermediaries […]

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The importance of proper record keeping

The Buthelezi determination by the FAIS Ombud, signed on 12 January 2016, highlights again the need for accurate record keeping and the dangers inherent in not completing an application form fully whilst at the client. […]

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Proposed Amendments to Competency Requirements

The proposals concerning competency requirements under the new Fit and Proper regulations, published in December 2015, include the following: Experience It is proposed that, in order for a person to be approved as a […]

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Tax amendment Bill passed

The tax harmonisation reforms of retirement funds will be implemented from 1 March 2016. What are the changes that will come into effect on 1 March 2016? “The Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 2013 will come into effect […]

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Outsourcing Outlook in 2016

The recently published status update on phase 1 of the RDR proposals provided insight into the Regulator’s thinking after receiving feedback from the industry on two proposals contained in the original RDR discussion […]

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New Appeal Board Guidelines

The “Guidelines on Proceedings of the Appeal Board” was replaced with a new document titled, “Practice Directions and Guidelines issued by the Chairperson of the Appeal Board”. Some of the important aspects, appearing […]

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First CIS Hedge Fund Approved

The FSB approved the first collective investment schemes in hedge funds after announcing its concern a few months ago that it had not received any applications from such schemes. The new schemes, one […]

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Court in the Act

Older readers may well remember this as the title of a great song by English folk rock band, Lindisfarne, on their Dingly Dell album. One line in the song reads: So the next […]

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Material Terms and Speculative Complaints

There appears to be different views between certain Ombuds on the obligations of various parties in disclosing material terms which are required to assist a client in making an informed decision. It also […]

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Investment in Hedge Funds by Pension Funds

The Registrar published a draft notice setting out conditions for investments in hedge funds by Pension Funds. Despite the declaration of a hedge fund as a collective investment scheme, any investment by a […]

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Compliance Officer Obligation

I was reading through an earlier Ombud determination when I came across the following: Third respondent goes on to state that the Second respondent met with the clients personally to re-allocate the clients’ […]

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Replacements going forward

The original RDR Proposal on replacements provided that “…long-term insurers would be prohibited from paying any form of commission or fee to an intermediary in respect of the replacement of life risk policies. […]

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Regulatory Instruments

The term “regulatory instrument” appears in the Financial Sector Regulation Act and includes, inter alia, a prudential standard, a conduct standard and a joint standard. These regulatory instruments form part of the Financial […]

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