Blow to health department’s plan to tell doctors where they can work
The High Court finds that sections of the National Health Act providing for a Certificate of Need scheme do not pass constitutional muster.
The High Court finds that sections of the National Health Act providing for a Certificate of Need scheme do not pass constitutional muster.
Life insurers paid almost 96% of death and funeral benefit claims last year – with the total payout worth R39.9 billion.
The AF Infrastructure Impact Fund-of-Funds will invest across multiple sectors, including energy, transportation, and public utilities.
The public is also urged to be wary of doing financial services business with two entities that might not be authorised.
The South African Reserve Bank has seized more than R6 billion from various Ibex Investments accounts, previously Steinhoff.
Actuarial calculations may affect the costs and time for defined-benefit fund withdrawals, depending on the rules of the fund and the complexity involved.
The Cabinet is considering introducing new asset classes to leverage retirement savings for industrial financing.
But statements by the Minister of Health indicate the ANC does not believe material changes to the NHI Act should be made.
Independent Media says the Raging Bull Awards will continue with a new data provider.
Taxpayers should inform SARS if they have been unemployed for a full year or longer, to avoid being flagged as non-compliant.
The medical scheme says it will use its reserves to limit contribution increases, while possibly improving members’ benefits and reducing co-payments.
The Dollar Life Plan provides protection against the high cost of specialised medical treatment or studying in a foreign university.
It is expected that scrapping the medical scheme tax credit will be the first measure designed to raise revenue for NHI.
Without an effective Special Tribunal, the Special Investigations Unit must approach the over-burdened High Courts to obtain asset forfeiture orders.
Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.
Rooted in luxury and status, Veblen stocks represent brands where consumers willingly pay a premium, driving profit margins and sustained growth.
The Sanlam Benchmark Survey also shows that more respondents are turning to online sources for product information instead of using a personal adviser.