People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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Applying the Principle of Fairness

When you hear Liverpool fans sing “You’ll never walk alone”, rest assured that you can join in when it comes to applying the principle of fairness in the financial services industry. The judgment […]

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FSB & JSE are world class

Financial Services Board (FSB) and Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) are world class regulators The recently published Global Competitiveness Survey of the World Economic Forum (WEF) holds many reasons for South Africa to be […]

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Treating Customers Fairly

For most of us, TCF is something hovering vaguely somewhere in the ether. With a bit of luck, and if we ignore it long enough, it will go away. Sorry to burst your […]

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New FSB Broadcast

The FSB’s Insurance division did a telematic broadcast yesterday, providing an update on its activities, and sharing new developments with the industry. The Agenda reads as follows: Binder Agreements: Outsourcing & Intermediary services […]

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Licencing Assistance

The application process has become quite a procedure, as has applying for changes to an existing licence. Moonstone has a vastly experienced team to help you overcome the hurdles and hassles normally associated […]

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High Court Judgement on Deeb Risk Case

The judgement can be regarded as a ground-breaking ruling regarding the powers of the Ombud as an alternative resolution platform. The main point concerned the right of a respondent, against whom a complaint […]

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FSB Communications

On 29 August, the FSB broadcast a workshop aimed specifically at independent financial advisors. The title of the presentation is: “What’s new, and what to be aware of”. The Agenda covered the following […]

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Resolution Life under Curatorship

Following an application by the Executive Officer of the Financial Services Board (FSB), the South Gauteng High Court on 6 September 2012 granted a provisional order to place the life insurance business of […]

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What Exemptions are Allowed?

Exemptions have become an integral part of our regulated environment. A recent response by the FSB to such a request provides very useful insight into the process. There are only two grounds on […]

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And Justice for All

In Monday’s Moonstone Investment Indicators we discussed a recent determination by the FAIS Ombud, with specific reference to the appeal by the respondent for the opportunity to lead evidence and cross question witnesses. […]

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Qualifications re-visited

Board Notice 135 of 2012 contains the latest information pertaining to approved qualifications. There are two bits of good news: It is printed in landscape format, so older readers like myself will not […]

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DOFA Demystified

Newcomers to our industry is often baffled by the seemingly endless array of abbreviations. DOFA is not a person who is not very bright, nor is it an airport in the Middle East. […]

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Is the Ombud System Fair?

The jurisdiction of the FAIS Ombud has been questioned on a number of occasions, notably in the current High Court case between the Ombud and Deeb Risk, and yet again in a later […]

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FSB Communications

On 29 August, the FSB broadcast a workshop aimed specifically at independent financial advisors. The title of the presentation is: “What’s new, and what to be aware of”. The Agenda covered the following […]

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FSB Levy Deadline

The annual levies payable to the Regulator is calculated on your position as at 31 August 2012. This is for the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. Should your information have […]

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