SARS pays back R10bn, but some taxpayers’ refunds are being withheld

Taxpayers should inform SARS if they have been unemployed for a full year or longer, to avoid being flagged as non-compliant.

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Catholic calamity…

A young monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to helping the other monks in copying the old canons and laws of the church by hand.             […]

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A Gentle Rebuke

A Gentle Rebuke A guy was getting ready to tee off on the first hole when a second golfer approached and asked if he could join him. The first said that he usually […]

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New kind of “ism”

This is a new take on an old joke, updated in line with what has happened in the world’s different economies. SOCIALISM You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbour. COMMUNISM […]

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Rugby is ‘n harde spel.

Hierdie stories is deur verskeie karakters op Facebook geplaas. Ek aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir die akkuraatheid hiervan, of die antagonisme wat dit mag ontlok nie. Ek loop gister daar by Pick n Pay […]

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Teacher or Educator?

Teacher or Educator? According to a news report, a certain private school in Newcastle upon Tyne was recently faced with a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick […]

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Dave Barry on his colonoscopy experience

We publish our annual placing of the award-winning column by Dave Barry on his colonoscopy experience We also test your brightness before you hit the weekend. Try this quiz: How bright are you […]

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Marketing is not about the obvious…

In response to last week’s warning against the C-Nile virus, Elize wrote: “Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.” Knocking on […]

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The Nile Virus Strikes Again

I thought you would want to know about this e-mail virus. Even the most advanced programs from Norton or McAfee cannot take care of this one. It appears to affect those who were […]

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As I age

As I’ve aged, I’ve become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I’ve become my own friend. I have seen too many dear friends leave this world, too soon; before they understood […]

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Meanwhile back at the Bell Tower

Quasimodo goes to a doctor for his annual check up. “I think something is wrong with your back,” the doctor says. “What makes you say that?” Quasimodo asks. “I don’t know,” the doctor […]

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Something Meaty!

Quips on the meat scandal have been doing the rounds at a rate of knots. Here are some I received this morning, which may contain one or two new ones for you, provided […]

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Sy bloed is blou

Klein Wimpie is ‘n getroue Blou Bul ondersteuner en dis weer ‘n wedstryd tussen die Bulle en die Stormers. Hy gaan Loftus toe en neem sy plek in op die mees gesogte en […]

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Irish Alzheimer's

Murphy showed up at Mass one Sunday, and the priest almost fell over when he saw him. Murphy’d never been to church in his life. After Mass, the priest caught up with him […]

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Some handy barbed responses

As the old saying goes: “Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, and beat you with experience every time.” The following responses will at least help you […]

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