SARS pays back R10bn, but some taxpayers’ refunds are being withheld

Taxpayers should inform SARS if they have been unemployed for a full year or longer, to avoid being flagged as non-compliant.

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South Africa – Budget 2016… some thoughts

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan pulled several rabbits out his Budget hat on Wednesday, February 24, when he delivered the first Budget Speech of his current, second term. However, the rabbit one marked ratings […]

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Social Grants and Funeral Insurance Premiums

The government proposes to amend regulations concerning deductions from social assistance grants by making an affordability assessment a prerequisite to entering into any agreement to provide funeral cover to the beneficiary of a […]

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ASISA Introduces New Cost Comparison Standards

In a media release by the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA) on 10 February 2016, it announced details of a new “meaningful” basis to allow consumers and advisers to compare charges and […]

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Treasury Heeds FICA Criticism

Legalbrief Today reported on Thursday on the National Treasury’s response to criticism that certain aspects of the proposed amendments to the Financial Intelligence Centre Act are impractical and too onerous. Quoting from a […]

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Legal Services Provider Fined

The latest Enforcement Committee (EC) ruling is quite an interesting one. There is often a fine line between what constitutes a financial service and what not. Defensive Legal Protection CC, trading as Legal […]

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RDR General Status Update on Investments

The information contained in the update published in December is divided into seven “Themes”. This article provides a summary of some of the points discussed in Theme 2: Investments. At the end of the […]

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Too few good men and women

After attending the recent FSB Insurance Regulatory Seminar, a friend remarked about the many attendees sporting various tints of grey in their hair or, as someone put it, “wisdom highlights”. Undoubtedly the highlight […]

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Treating Advisers Fairly

The introduction of the FAIS Act and supporting regulations contributed to making the provision of financial advice a more daunting and costly service than ever before. Prior to 30 September 2004, we saw […]

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The Customer Revolution

In 2010, PwC began a scenario analysis around the trends reshaping insurance and what the industry would look like by 2020. The scenario planning was based on interviews with more than a thousand […]

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Digital Disruption the new Game Changer

The latest PWC study titled Insurance 2020 & beyond: Necessity is the mother of reinvention, provides important insights into how technology will empower and shape the financial services industry in future. The information […]

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Clarity on Prescribed Medical Benefits

An important ruling by the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) brought clarity on the rights of medical schemes in terms of their rules versus what the Medical Schemes Act prescribes. Legalbrief Today reports: […]

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Medical Schemes Commission and RDR

I recently received the following enquiry from a reader: I was wondering if you have any thoughts on medical aid commission being regulated in a similar manner to the proposed RDR for long-term […]

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When must you retire?

Hierdie inligting word geplaas met die goedgunstige toestemming van Van der Spuy en Genote I am 59 years old and have been working for nearly 20 years at the same company. The office […]

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South Africa’s ‘Strawberry Statement’

This past week, tens of thousands of mainly young South African university students protested against proposed fee increases next year. Their actions under the #FeesMustFall banner signalled the beginning of a protest movement […]

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