Why policyholders complained to the short-term ombudsman in 2023

‘Lack of maintenance or wear and tear’ gave rise to most of the disputes in several categories of insurance.

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Daar lê die Ding

Die spelers wat vir die Springbokke op nommers 15, 10 en 9 gaan uitdraf, sowel as die plaasvervangers in hierdie sleutelposisies, kan bepalend wees in die uitkoms van die reeks. Fourie du Preez […]

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Hats off to the Hockey Champions

If ever a medal should be awarded to a team for overcoming setbacks, disappointment and discrimination, it should go to the SA men’s hockey side. Forced to re-qualify for the Olympics by the […]

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Promotion of Southern Kings?

Jake White has, as usual, added his opinion on this controversial issue, and for once, I agree with him. We all know how big the gap is between the Vodacom Cup and the […]

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Halfway house overview

If there is one saying by Piet Helium that remains true, then it is his advice to those who questioned the physicality of rugby to buy themselves a tutu and take up ballet. […]

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Who to choose and who to lose?

The fact that only three teams were in action this past weekend makes it a lot easier to arrive at a final fifteen, although we are quite sure that not everyone will agree […]

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Best of the Boks?

The announcement of Heyneke Meyer’s support structure raised quite few eyebrows, including that of Bulls supporters. To add fuel to the fire, there is speculation that Victor Matfield may be recalled to the […]

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Some statistics on a number of important facets of the Super 15. I divided this in three sections, based on the title of one of my favourite Clint Eastwood movies. For purposes of […]

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