SARS pays back R10bn, but some taxpayers’ refunds are being withheld

Taxpayers should inform SARS if they have been unemployed for a full year or longer, to avoid being flagged as non-compliant.

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Crime and Punishment

It is not only in rugby that we see different standards being applied by those tasked with applying the rules. The recent banning of an adviser in Australia, compared to some recent appeals […]

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Piggy banks become investment portfolios

This is the second in a series of articles on savings, published in July, National Savings Month. An article by Rick Briers-Danks, certified financial planner at Veritas Wealth, highlights the need to instil […]

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Life in a month

This is the first in a series of articles on savings which will be published in July. An article from Allan Gray portrays, in a very clever manner, how procrastination can severely impact […]

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Islamic Marriages and Divorce Orders

In a recent determination, the Pension Fund Adjudicator ordered an umbrella fund to reverse its decision not to pay a 50% share of a pension interest as decreed in a divorce settlement. According […]

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Remorse as a Mitigating Factor

The latest decision by the FSB Appeal Board contains an interesting perspective on the impact of remorse in cases where a review of a decision by the Regulator is requested. The reasons for […]

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Prescribed Minimum Benefits to be Extended?

Intentions by the Department of Health to amend regulations concerning prescribed minimum benefits in terms of the Medical Schemes Act were challenged by Genesis in court on 18 June 2015, asking that the regulations be […]

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POPI Road Map

Last week’s publication of the Everlytic Guide to Navigating POPI proved to be very popular with readers. It is an easy to read, colourful document, and ideal to use in training sessions for […]

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Tax Assessment Tool

Softbyte Computers recently developed a software program for UNISA to assist tax and accounting students, and is now offering our readers the same student version of WinTax software at no cost. Tony de […]

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Tax Lectures on Video

Softbyte Computers, a SAIT accredited supplier of CPD goods, kindly offered our readers free access to a series of video lectures on personal tax. Tony de Wijn points out that these lectures are […]

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Enforcement Committee Action

The Enforcement Committee of the Financial Services Board recently took action in response to a referral of Nestlife Assurance Corporation Limited for contravening section 7(3) of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, […]

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Short-term Ombud Annual Report

This publication reveals some interesting statistics: The total number of complaints received amounted to 10 253, an increase of 9.5% over the previous year. Complaints unresolved after six months totalled only 54 at […]

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Is Restitution Fair to All?

A reader recently shared an interesting case with me concerning claw back of commission after a claim was repudiated. As this concerns principles, rather than the specific insurers, I removed all references to […]

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New FSB Fees

The new fees payable to the Registrar of Financial Services were announced on 25 March 2015. A few noteworthy changes are: Item Current Fee (R) New Fee (R) Category I Application 2180 2311 […]

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Product supplier responsibility for advisers

Fais Circular 6 of 2013 announced the postponement of the Level 2 Regulatory Examination until further notice to allow the FSB to amend the qualifying criteria and investigate alternative delivery models in consultation with […]

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