SARS pays back R10bn, but some taxpayers’ refunds are being withheld

Taxpayers should inform SARS if they have been unemployed for a full year or longer, to avoid being flagged as non-compliant.

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Debarments still a Headache

Louis Wessels, FSB legal consultant, writes in the latest FSB Bulletin that the debarment of representatives, unlike those involving key individuals, remain a taxing problem for the Regulator. Readers may recall that we […]

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Moonstone Workshops on POPI and TCF

The impact of the Protection of Personal Information Act and the Treating Customers Fairly initiative will have a very direct bearing on your business. All intermediaries will, in one way or another, be […]

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FSB Fees Increase

A notice, published in the Government Gazette on 20 November 2013, formalised the increased fees payable to the FSB in respect of certain functions. Before we compare the new fees to the old, […]

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Compliance Consolidation

The introduction of the FAIS Act brought a number of additional layers of cost which providers of financial services had to absorb. The majority of the tentacles of this octopus have compliance written […]

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Retail Distribution Review Update

Background Up to the end of the previous century, regulation of financial services was by and large left in the hands of the industry itself. The advent of consumerism and money laundering, amongst […]

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RE1 and RE 5 certificates

We are inundated with requests from clients who have mislaid their certificates. Please follow the DIY steps below to get it much quicker. Regulatory Exam candidates who wrote with Moonstone, and passed, can […]

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Outsurance Article Response

The following posting, by a member of the public, was recently placed on our website in response to an article we published a few months ago: What a pity I didn’t see this […]

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Dicey Relationships

One would think that the required relationship between key individuals and their representatives are fairly clear. Where a key individual is required, at this time, to have successfully completed the level 1 regulatory […]

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Is Market Conduct Regulation Working?

An article entitled Regulation not crippling sector, FSB contends by Gillian Jones in Business Day provides two differing perspectives on this issue. On the one hand, there is the view of Johan van […]

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When is a complaint out of time?

The recent Bester determination by the FAIS Ombud provides guidance on the requirement that a complaint must be lodged within three years. We often understand this to mean from the time the advice […]

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Advertising on Moonstone Platforms

Nowhere is the world-wide trend towards digital advertising better mirrored than in the shift in the budget of our own Naspers. People simply find digital access to information so much easier. Why type […]

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Litigation Threats Holding up NHI White Paper

Legalbrief Today quotes from a Sake24 report which says that hospital groups are delaying the issuing of a White Paper on the National Health Insurance Scheme through their ‘veiled threats of litigation’. It […]

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Binder Workshop Registration

Our extremely popular workshops on binder regulations and outsourcing agreements are now open for Registration. Since the last workshop, a lot more clarity was provided by the Regulator on its interpretation of these […]

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Quo Vadis, Training?

The Financial Intermediaries Association (FIA) raised a number of issues in a recent article, published in FAnews. These concerns include: The introduction of a Super Regulator Measures to provide the Regulator with indemnity […]

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