Costly battle: addressing absenteeism with corporate wellness programmes

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In South Africa, where about 15% of employees are absent on any given day, a strong, risk-based corporate wellness programme is crucial to mitigate the negative impact of absenteeism on both company performance and employee well-being.

Occupational Care South Africa (OCSA) say absenteeism costs the economy about R12 billion to R16 billion a year, while the Human Capital Review estimates it to be even higher, at R19.144bn.

Dr Themba Hadebe, clinical executive at Bonitas Medical Fund, says, given the rate of absenteeism, a robust, risk-based corporate wellness programme is imperative.

“It’s a win-win situation for both the employee and the employer. Employees are healthier, having gone through screenings for early detection of disease and given the right support to manage their health, while employers have a healthier, happier workforce and increased productivity.”

He says that it’s a concern that about 48% of corporates have no access to Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs).

“19.3% of South Africans form part of the active job market but only 16.1% are able to afford private medical aid. When you consider that one in five South Africans over the age of 15 live with more than one disease, access to healthcare remains a key priority and has an impact on employer investment.”

According to Hadebe, any corporate wellness programme should have a primary healthcare clinic for basic screening and dispensing of chronic medication and treating employees who are ill at work.

An EAP should also provide support for employees who are experiencing personal difficulties – be it stress or mental health – anything that is impacting their life and productivity in the workplace. The issues can result in both absenteeism and presenteeism – both detrimental to the company and employees.

The effects of presenteeism in the workplace

Apart from absenteeism there is also “presenteeism”, a term coined in the 1990s. It’s the phenomenon where, instead of taking sick leave, employees go to work while feeling ill and therefore don’t perform at full capacity.

“If an employee goes to work despite feeling really ill, not only is there a chance they will infect their colleagues, but they are not going to get much work done,” says Hadebe.

“Not only will their decision-making abilities be impaired but there is no telling what the longer-term effects might be. And it’s not just about physical health. It may be a mental health issue, which has become more prevalent over the last few years.”

The cost of mental health-related presenteeism is estimated at R235bn a year (4.3% of GDP). Additional statistics indicate that workers with depression reported the equivalent of 27 lost workdays a year – nine of these were actual sick days.

The newly coined “resenteeism” or “quiet quitting” is also on the rise. Resenteeism describes employees who appear to be busy but are disengaged and unhappy. The do the bare minimum because they are burned out and feel underappreciated. They stay at their current job because of financial constraints but are unproductive.

Hadebe says medical schemes can significantly contribute to corporate wellness through the early detection of lifestyle diseases, preventive care and screenings, chronic disease management, and mental health support.

He shares that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are on the increase. These include cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and stroke, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. South Africans have a 51.9% chance of dying from an NCD.

“Companies who offer medical aid are able to provide comprehensive health coverage and support services to help employees manage their health.”

Annual health check-ups, screenings for conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, and vaccinations – all assist in early detection and prevention of illnesses, reducing long-term health risks for employees.

Managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and asthma through regular monitoring, medication, and specialist consultations also help employees to manage their health and reduces absenteeism.

As to mental health support, there is a high prevalence of depression in South Africa. One in every five people have symptoms of depression, while only 25% receive treatment. NCDs have been shown to be a risk factor for mental illness and vice versa.

Hadebe says screening and covering consultations with psychologists or psychiatrists and access to mental health programmes are important.

Customised health plans

Employers can work with medical schemes to design customised health plans that meet the specific needs of their workforce – whether it be additional maternity care, mental health support, or for specific chronic conditions.

“By implementing comprehensive corporate wellness programmes in the workplace and partnering with a medical scheme, companies can foster a healthier, more engaged, and productive workforce. This ultimately leads to reduced healthcare costs, lower absenteeism and improved employee morale,” Habebe says.

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