In a recent communication from the Council of Medical Schemes: Amendments to Regulation 31 and 32 published in terms of the Medical Schemes Act 1998 (Act No. 131 of 1998) ), the following increases were announced:
- Application for registration of a medical scheme will now be R8 750.00 (Current Fee: R5 000.00)
- Application for accreditation or renewal of accreditation as an administrator contemplated in Section 58(4) of the Act will now be R14 000.00 (Current Fee: R10 000.00)
- Application for accreditation or renewal of accreditation as a broker contemplated in Section 65 of the Act will now be R1 400.00 (Current Fee: R1 000.00)
Please note that the effective date of the new fees, as detailed in Circular 57, is 2 September 2016.