COVID-19 – Update on Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Workplaces

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The directions contained in latest Government notice is aimed at the prevention of transmission and specific occupational hygiene practices that focus on the need for employers to implement measures to mitigate or eliminate the transmission of the virus in the workplace.

The Directive does not reduce the existing obligations of any employer in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”) or prevent an employer from implementing more stringent measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

Duration and application of the Directives

This Directive remains in force for as long as the declaration of a national disaster remains in force.
These Directions will apply to employers and employees as set out in clause 12 which will include essential services providers as defined in Schedule 2 of the Regulations as issued in terms of the Disaster Management Act. Where an employer employs less than 10 employees, only measures as set out in clause 40 of the Directives need to be complied with.

Administrative measures to be imposed

Where more than 500 employees are employed, the risk assessment and Health and Safety Policies addressing COVID-19 must be submitted to the
Where more than 500 employees are employed, the risk assessment and Health and Safety Policies addressing COVID-19 must be submitted to the
▪ Health and safety committee of the company, and
▪ The Department of Employment and Labour (Submission must be made to the Provincial Chief Inspector at
As far as practicable, the number of workers at the workplace at any given time must be minimized through rotation, staggered working hours, shift systems, remote working arrangements, or similar measures to achieve social distancing.
Where an employee has been diagnosed with COVID-19, an employer must inform
The Department of Health (0800 02 9999); and
The Department of Employment and Labour.

Social distancing measures

Employers must ensure that the workplace is arranged in such a manner to ensure minimum contact between workers.
If not practical physical barriers should be placed between stations.

Health and safety measures

Every employer must implement the health and safety measures that address:

Symptom screening of employees, including measures to be taken where an employee presents symptoms or test positive for COVID-19;
Providing of sanitizers to employees and disinfectant of the workplace;
The wearing of cloth face masks to be provided at the cost of the employer to each employee;
Proper ventilation of the workplace.