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Piched online by Bobby
I find myself slightly bored with the current series – perhaps it is because we could afford to rest our best players and so the “competition” seems a bit watered-down…

On the positive side, we are seeing some guys putting in very consistent performances. Something that made me smile was when new skipper AB dropped a sitter of a catch. Now no-one intentionally drops a catch, but, as you can see, it also happens to the best of players. Imagine for one moment it was Boucher who dropped that catch. Because of his age, the outrage from journalists, commentators and some fans would have been huge and almost equal to a national crisis, as we saw in the last test!
It makes you wonder: are players being measured by the same yard stick? And as for Biff, I am not sure what to say about Mr Smith, even though I am a massive fan, there are guys breaking down the door for his spot. I do hope his form returns in the remaining two games, otherwise we might see him “rested” for the ODI’s in New Zealand. I must also mention that I would like to see more of Colin Ingram – the kid just looks sublime when in action.
Lastly – the so called smaller venues have absolutely come to the party regarding attendance. The excitement these games bring to these towns and smaller cities are electric and great for the game, not to mention the local economies. CSA might want to consider more venues like these for tests too. Some “larger” venues don’t seem to embrace their position as a host city as a privilege, judging by attendance records!
Is Alister to Smal for the Job?
Tony Calitz in Durban added his voice to the current speculation about the new Bok coach: “I TOLD you Mr Coetzee would NOT get the coaching job as he hasn’t coached his way to any trophies yet! Rumours are that this is why he’s not in the running any longer & has withdrawn from the race. The latest on-line article I read claims Gert Smal is DEFINITELY the favourite & dispels the claims made in the news that PdV is favourite & Smal is out. In fact I read an interview with PdV wherein he sounds pretty peeved because SARU apparently wasted his time.

Quite frankly, it will be a HUGE step in the right direction for SA Rugby if they DO appoint Smal as this will clearly display their willingness to ignore the black/white issue that so badly clouded their last selection.
I gave up DSTV in order to concentrate on the exams – thinking I will still have to cram a lot for the RE2’s, so I’m in a bit of a dilemma right now – don’t know if I should reconnect or stay away from DSTV – must say I’m not missing their repeats one bit but the sport could become an issue.”
Ou Manie sê die verwysing na PdV se gevoel dat sy tyd gemors is, herinner hom aan ‘n ware verhaal toe hy en sy broer op Oudshoorn gaan ondersoek instel het na ‘n geskikte ouetehuis vir hul pa.
Terwyl hulle wag vir die matrone, kom daar ‘n baie armoedige bruin man by ontvangs aan met 4 piesangs wat hy by Checkers as uitskot opgetel het, en vra of iemand dit wil koop.
Die dame by ontvangs kondig oor die interkom stelsel aan dat daar “vars vrugte” te koop is by ontvangs.
Na so 20 minute kom een ou tante aangeslof in haar pantoffels. Toe sy die vier verlepte piesangs sien, is sy woedend:
“Jy mors my tyd!” snou sy die arme smous toe en stap weg.
Manie se broer kyk haar so agterna en merk op:
“Asof tyd nou so ’n skaars kommoditeit in haar lewe is.”
Dieselfde geld waarskynlik vir Piet Helium.
Nag ou Grote.