Extended deadline for the submission of PAIA reports

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The Information Regulator has extended to Friday, 12 July, the deadline for the submission of Promotion of Access to Information Act reports for 2023/24.

The original deadline was 30 June.

Read: Regulator announces deadline for the submission of PAIA reports

The annual reports must be submitted via the online portal on the Regulator’s website, https://eservices.inforegulator.org.za.

The IR has published a step-by-step guide on how to use the portal and submit the annual report.

If you are unable to log into the portal or require assistance, contact the technical support team at Paia-support@inforegulator.org.za or 010 023 5200.

General enquiries about the submission of PAIA annual reports should be sent to Advocate Makhwedi Makgopa-Madisa at MMakgopa-Madisa@infoRegulator.org.za or Ms Nokwanda Molefe at Nmolefe@inforegulator.org.za.

If you are not satisfactory assisted, you can contact the executive responsible for PAIA, Mr Ntsumbedzeni Nemasisi on NNemasisi@infoRegulator.org.za.

Note: Moonstone Compliance has experienced a good level of service when using this email address: PAIACompliance@infoRegulator.org.za.

1 thought on “Extended deadline for the submission of PAIA reports

  1. The article states that “The annual reports must be submitted via the online portal on the Regulator’s website”
    This is actually incorrect.
    There is no obligation on any private body to submit anything to the Information Regulator.
    S83(4) of PAIA provides as follows:
    For the purpose of the annual report referred to in section 84 and if so requested by the Information Regulator, the head of a private body may furnish to that Commission information about requests for access to records of the body.
    The word “may” does not, in my opinion, make it compulsory, nor are there any provisions that sanction a private body that does not furnish the information to the Regulator..

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