Holistic advice ‘the key factor’ in impact of two pots on clients

Clients whose financial habits have been moulded by sound advice over many years are unlikely to act irresponsibly now, says Fairbairn’s Guy Holwill.

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The case for simplifying policy wording

You, as an adviser, are legally required to explain all material clauses in a policy to enable your client to make an informed decision. What happens if some clauses are so clouded in […]

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The case for simplifying policy wording

You, as an adviser, are legally required to explain all material clauses in a policy to enable your client to make an informed decision. What happens if some clauses are so clouded in […]

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Compulsory vaccination increasingly likely

Making vaccination compulsory to enter workplaces and certain public spaces seems a certainty if the statements from the government, business and labour this week are anything to go by. In a televised address […]

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