People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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Implementing RDR Phase 1

True to form, a huge amount of proposed legislative changes were published towards the end of last year. Formal consultation on the draft regulatory instruments to be used to give effect to Phase […]

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Not quite TCF?

The fair treatment of clients by certain product providers was recently questioned by Bruce Cameron in an article on causal event charges. A key part of ensuring proper market conduct is a new […]

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FSB: Guidelines on Advertising and Marketing

In the light of an increase in practices relating to advertisements, brochures and similar communications that are contrary to section 4(3) of the Long-term and Short-term Insurance, steps aimed at addressing this were […]

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Legally sanctioned, but morally justifiable?

“There is something that has been bugging me since 2004”, writes Andró Griessel on the Netwerk24 website, “and that is the so-called early termination charges  on contractual savings plans.” (My translation) Griessel states […]

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Retail Distribution Review Update

Background Up to the end of the previous century, regulation of financial services was by and large left in the hands of the industry itself. The advent of consumerism and money laundering, amongst […]

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