Massive interest in two-pot withdrawals puts administrators to the test

As the two-pot system rolls out, fund administrators are receiving a wave of withdrawal claims, highlighting the financial squeeze many are feeling.

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Medical Schemes Commission and RDR

I recently received the following enquiry from a reader: I was wondering if you have any thoughts on medical aid commission being regulated in a similar manner to the proposed RDR for long-term […]

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Adviser Categorisation Alternatives

The RDR proposal to create three categories of advisers drew the most responses. A progress report was presented by Leanne Jackson at the 2015 Insurance Regulatory Seminar. RDR so far All stakeholder feedback […]

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Future Approach to Market Conduct Supervision

A presentation at the FSB Insurance Regulatory Seminar provided practical insight into what we can expect from market conduct supervision when the new regulatory body is in place. We are rapidly approaching the […]

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When must you retire?

Hierdie inligting word geplaas met die goedgunstige toestemming van Van der Spuy en Genote I am 59 years old and have been working for nearly 20 years at the same company. The office […]

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Temporary cancellation of Fais examination

Often, candidates, despite having paid within 24 hours of registration, receive a notification advising that their examination was temporarily cancelled due to failure of payment. The important word here is TEMPORARY. Our system […]

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Conflicts of interest and Contracts

The RDR feedback provided at the FSB Insurance seminar elaborated on conflicts of interest which may impact on an adviser’s objectivity. The following three were discussed: Binders and outsourcing – stricter conflict controls […]

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Update on Phase 1 of the RDR Proposals

A comprehensive update on the Retail Distribution Review will be published in the next two weeks. A glimpse into what this will entail was presented at the FSB Insurance Regulatory Seminar in Cape […]

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Uneasy lies the Head…

Is it fair to expect Heyneke Meyer to fall on his own sword after the Springboks won the Bronze medal at RWC 2015, or should that decision be made for him by the […]

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Taxation Laws Amendment Bill

The announcement of changes in the tax treatment of provident funds led to a flurry of resignations and withdrawals from members of such funds who feared that their ability to withdraw all their […]

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RE in Afrikaans afgeskaf

Die FSB het aangekondig dat die Afrikaanse regulatoriese eksamens nie na 30 November 2015 beskikbaar sal wees nie. Volledige besoderhede is vervat in Fais Circular 5/2015. Slegs Moonstone bied die eksamen aan. Om te registreer, besoek asseblief […]

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Beware of using third parties

It is fairly common practice in certain sections of the industry to make use of third parties to obtain new business. A recent order made by the Enforcement Committee serves to remind those […]

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Financial Sector Regulation Bill Tabled

The Minister of Finance tabled the Financial Sector Regulation (FSR) Bill in Parliament on 27 October 2015, after taking into account comments received on the Bill published in December 2014. The Twin Peaks system of regulation […]

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Hakuna Matata

The Italian word “Andante” features in one of ABBA’s classic songs. Dictionaries define it as “a moderately slow” movement, usually in music. Closer to home, there is also a Swahili term, Pole-pole, which […]

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Who can it be now?

The title of Men at Work’s song sums up the uncertainty in the minds of rugby lovers as we contemplate the outcome of the final two games of RWC 2015. Argentina/South Africa This […]

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Beneficiaries on Life Policies

This article is made available with the kind permission of Van der Spuy and Partners. Jeremy is recently divorced and has just started dating again. This got him thinking about his future and […]

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Just do it

Candidates who are required to write the Level 1 before the end of June next year should not leave it till the very last moment. Not all those who write pass at the first […]

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