Moonstone Business School of Excellence launches training for FAIS representatives

MBSE’s RE 5 training is a comprehensive course designed to enhance your understanding of key regulatory frameworks and real-world applications.

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Debarment Process under Review

The Financial Sector Regulation Bill (FSRB) is a huge document comprising 17 chapters, 242 sections and is 136 pages long. There are, in addition, 4 schedules and 70 pages of proposed amendments or […]

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Sharemax Directors Appeal Successful

The FSB Appeal Board handed down a decision on 10 April 2015 in a case where a number of parties appealed against a decision by the FAIS Ombud to hold them equally liable for losses […]

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Important RE Considerations

We often experience a lot of irritation from candidates who fail to comply with the rules and regulations laid down by the FSB regarding the regulatory examinations. As an examination body, we are […]

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Should I appeal?

Statistics contained in the FAIS Ombud’s annual report show that settlements of complaints outnumber determinations by a count of nine to one. Does this mean that only one in ten FSPs are of […]

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Standards to Provide Greater Clarity

The introduction of the FAIS Act and its supplementary regulations proved to be quite a challenge for both the FSB and the industry. At one stage, industry experts expressed the view that the […]

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Correct Identification Important

Candidates are requested to read the information supplied prior to the examinations very carefully. Of late, we have experienced an increase in candidates who arrive without proper identification. Please bear in mind that […]

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Due Diligence and the Financial Adviser

Section 2 of the General Code of Conduct requires that ‘a provider must at all times render financial services honestly, fairly, with due skill, care and diligence, and in the interests of the […]

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Referrals and Leads Generation

Clarity on the regulation of this important aspect of the financial services industry is provided in proposals in the Retail Distribution Review (RDR). Where a referral involves the mere passing on of contact […]

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Make Your Voice Heard

The rapidly changing financial advisory market necessitates the opportunity for investment advisers to voice their views on a meaningful platform. The South African Investment Panorama is a new research project to enable independent […]

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FSB Discusses Twin Peaks Reforms

Industry stakeholders recently attended a two-day workshop on the implementation of the Twin Peaks model of financial regulation, which will see the FSB become a dedicated market conduct regulator with an enhanced mandate […]

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Key Individual Liability

A recent order by the FSB’s Appeal Board highlighted the importance of applying the prescribed methodology where representatives under supervision are concerned. A representative under supervision, Moore, claimed that the directors of Blue […]

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Correct Identification Important

Candidates are requested to read the information supplied prior to the examinations very carefully. Of late, we have experienced an increase in candidates who arrive without proper identification. Please bear in mind that […]

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Whose client is it anyway?

A reader writes: I refer to comments made by Dr. Brian Benfield in an article you recently posted, and particularly to the following: A clear understanding and application of the law of contract, […]

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New FSB Fees

The new fees payable to the Registrar of Financial Services were announced on 25 March 2015. A few noteworthy changes are: Item Current Fee (R) New Fee (R) Category I Application 2180 2311 […]

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