Moonstone Business School of Excellence launches training for FAIS representatives

MBSE’s RE 5 training is a comprehensive course designed to enhance your understanding of key regulatory frameworks and real-world applications.

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Gesoek: Goeie Gebruikte Kristalbal

Die onvoorspelbaarheid van die uitslae in die eerste twee rondtes sal waarskynlik voortduur in week 3. Die Crusaders het byvoorbeeld hul eerste wedstryd verloor, wat nie snaaks is nie, behalwe dat dit op […]

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Cutting Edge Regulatory Workshops

Anton Swanepoel’s popular, informative and practical Regulatory Workshops will be run again in March this year. There will be two presentations – one focussing on short-term intermediaries, and one for long-term advisers. The […]

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More on Tax Free savings

Fees in respect of tax free investment The list of definitions states: A “fee” includes a management fee, administration fee or any similar charge; The regulations stipulate that “any fee charged in respect […]

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Tax Free Savings Approved

The final Notice and Regulations that allow for the introduction of Tax Free Savings and Investment Accounts (“TFSAs”) with effect from 1 March 2015 were approved by the Minister of Finance, according to a media […]

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Results and Certificates

We receive numerous requests on a daily basis for copies of results, or RE 1 and RE 5 certificates from candidates who mislaid theirs. You can download this from our website in your own time, […]

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CPD Update

We often receive enquiries from readers about their obligations in terms of continuous professional development. As often stated in the past, only those who are members of a professional body who requires its […]

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Emolument Attachment Orders in the Dock

The court case, in which 13 credit providers and the law firm that facilitated the EAOs are involved, is drawing wide interest in the media. It sets out to determine, amongst other issues, […]

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The Future of Market Conduct Regulation

In a recent article in Moneyweb Today, Patrick Bracher, a director of Norton Rose Fulbright is quoted as saying: “New financial advice regulation contained in the Retail Distribution Review (RDR) highlights the failure […]

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Predictably Unpredictable Super Rugby

I know it sounds like sour grapes, but after seeing the results in our Superbru pool yesterday, I consoled myself, after only scoring two points, by saying that anyone who got more than […]

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RE Update

The cut-off date for registration is 11 working days before the date of examination. For this reason, candidates are required to plan carefully, taking into account the possibility that they may have to […]

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Risk Profiling and Asset Allocation

The Botha Determination by the FAIS Ombud certainly touched on a sensitive area, never covered before in the same detail as in this case. The Ombud found that the clients suffered loss as […]

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Comparing Apples with Peaches

The Retail Distribution Review is the fourth in a series of documents which aim to address unsatisfactory outcomes for contractual savers. The December 2004 National Treasury Discussion Paper on Retirement Fund Reform appeared shortly […]

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RE Update

Please note that no examinations will be scheduled for the period 16-03-2015 up to 10-04-2015 at Pretoria Brooklyn Bank Forum Examination Centre. We are upgrading the facility to provide a wider range of […]

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