Moonstone Business School of Excellence launches training for FAIS representatives

MBSE’s RE 5 training is a comprehensive course designed to enhance your understanding of key regulatory frameworks and real-world applications.

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TCF & Retail Distribution Review Update

A Draft “Market Conduct Framework” was published in December for comment. It contains the latest thinking by the Regulator on a number of key issues. The following is a synopsis of the rationale […]

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RE Update

The Draft Market Conduct Framework, published late last year, provides the following information on what was earlier called the Level 2 RE, and how it will align with CPD. A revised competency framework for […]

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Disclosure of Material Terms

The importance of making a client aware of material terms and conditions in a policy contract was underlined in a recent FAIS Ombud determination. On 2 March 2013, the complainant’s Hilux was stolen […]

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New Framework for Insurers

Legalbrief Today published an article on 7 January setting out details of the Governance and Risk Management Framework for insurers which come into effect on 1 April 2015. “…the purpose of the prescribed framework is to […]

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More Effective Regulation Envisaged

National Treasury publishes a revised draft of the Financial Sector Regulation (FSR) Bill for public comment. The revised Bill takes into account comments received on the first draft, published in December 2013, as well […]

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RE Update

Fully updated resources are available for those requiring access to the legislation applicable to the regulatory examinations: Click on the following highlighted sections to download the relevant updated Inseta learning material for key […]

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2014 Compliance Report Workshop

2014 Compliance Report Workshop FSPs not obliged to appoint a compliance officer need to submit their 2014 Compliance Reports by the end of February 2015. We invite all those affected to pre-book their seats […]

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Exemption date Extended

FAIS Notice 36 of 2014, which was published in May last year, exempted FSPs and representatives from complying with the following requirement in the FAIS Act: “A person may not render financial services […]

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Demarcation Regulations Update

On 19 December 2014, National Treasury and the Department of Health announced a postponement in the publication of the final Demarcation Regulations (“the Regulations”) till the second quarter of 2015. The final regulations […]

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ICC World Cup

The opening match between co-hosts New Zealand and Sri Lanka will be played on 14 February, just over a month from now. South Africa’s first match is against Zimbabwe the following day. Fourteen […]

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RDR Workshops

Moonstone RDR Workshops The proposals contained in the Retail Distribution Review discussion paper envisages some of the most drastic changes to the retail financial services industry since the implementation of FAIS. The 55 […]

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Causal Event Charges and TCF

More clarity on what constitutes causal event charges emerged from a recent Pension Fund Adjudicator determination after the complainant submitted that the deductions were “…exorbitant and do not comply with the principles of […]

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