Banks defend lending criteria amid accusations of discrimination

The government takes banks to task over what it sees as unfair lending practices, proposing mandatory disclosures of declined home loans.

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Is Market Conduct Regulation Working?

An article entitled Regulation not crippling sector, FSB contends by Gillian Jones in Business Day provides two differing perspectives on this issue. On the one hand, there is the view of Johan van […]

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Sharp rise in suspect money deals

The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) told Parliament that the number of suspicious financial transactions in SA in 2012-13 skyrocketed by 176% compared to the previous financial year, notes a Business Day report. FIC […]

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RE Registration Problems

The good news is that marking of papers happens a lot faster than in the days when the whole industry was writing. We are currently experiencing problems with candidates who register for the […]

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Tough Choice

Langenhoven het beweer dat dit makliker is om te leef na die inkomste waartoe jy gestyg het, as die een waartoe jy gedaal het. Dis omtrent hoe ek voel oor hierdie berig – […]

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Stiff Upper Lip English

On a train from London to Manchester, an Australian is berating the Englishman sitting across from him in the compartment: “You English are so stuffy. You set yourselves apart too much. You think […]

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FSP Numbers Update

The impact of regulation on the number of people in the industry remains a major source of interest for many people. It could stem from a need to know that there is safety […]

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FSB Telematics Broadcast 3 October 2013

The agenda of the 3rd of October’s broadcast is very similar to the workshop intended for licence category II and IIA FSPs, and includes the same speakers. 3 October 2013 – Satellite workshop […]

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Will History Repeat Itself?

Ek lees vanoggend dat die All Blacks oor Ellispark voel soos die Bokke oor Eden Park. Keven Mealamu word aangehaal as sou hy sê dat dit enige All Black se grootste uitdaging is […]

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‘Mayday! Mayday!’

This guy takes his new boat down to Cape Town from Jo’burg for a fishing trip. On his way back with the boat, his 4×4 breaks down outside Beaufort West.     He […]

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Products and fees structures need simplifying

In a competitive environment, cost disclosure enables price comparisons, leads to price competition and results in higher investor return. The practice, however, is met with an almost united “can’t do” response from the […]

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Opleiding – Nasionale Kredietwet (NCA)

Ons het baie navrae, veral van lesers in die motorhandel, oor hierdie ingewikkelde wetgewing ontvang. In reaksie het ons ‘n kursus ontwikkel om die behoefte aan te spreek.  Die eerste kursus word reeds […]

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When is a complaint out of time?

The recent Bester determination by the FAIS Ombud provides guidance on the requirement that a complaint must be lodged within three years. We often understand this to mean from the time the advice […]

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Hot and Cold

Knit one, pearl one appeared to be the recipe for the weekend’s rugby – there was one good half and one not so good half. This goes for both the Boks and the […]

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FSB Warning Against Unlicensed Entities

The FSB urgently called on the public to refrain from conducting business with the following entities: Ledimar Ledimar Financial Services (Pty) Ltd; Ledimar Stock Trading (Pty) Ltd; and Ledimar Investment Holdings CC. Their […]

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Advertising on Moonstone Platforms

Nowhere is the world-wide trend towards digital advertising better mirrored than in the shift in the budget of our own Naspers. People simply find digital access to information so much easier. Why type […]

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