Banks defend lending criteria amid accusations of discrimination

The government takes banks to task over what it sees as unfair lending practices, proposing mandatory disclosures of declined home loans.

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Bad Liver and a Broken Heart

On Sunday morning I could not make up my mind about which song best summed up my situation: Bad liver and a broken heart by Tom Waits, or Sunday morning coming down by […]

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Check your Mate

Industry experienced job applicants have to provide proof of their RE results. The question is: how reliable is this information? Judging by the vast number of enquiries we receive, it is apparent that […]

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You can't fudge experience

New Zealand/Australia The Aussies only made one injury enforced change to the team. Ewen McKenzie (Pictured above) explained his thinking as follows in the NZ Herald: “You can’t fudge experience and I know […]

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Old Mutual Wealth Initiatives cause stir

Two media articles on the new Old Mutual Wealth business model, published on Wednesday, will certainly cause more than just a stir in the industry. As usual, the mention that commission would no […]

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Tour de Farce

Two Irishmen were sitting in a pub watching the Tour de France on TV.  Seamus shook his head and asked, “Whoi t’e hell do they do that?” “Do what?” asked Mick. “Go on […]

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Find the cost of Freedom*

If you don’t know what it costs to deliver your service, you don’t know your business… Johnny Grohovaz Most advisory businesses are quite content, as long as the amount of commissions and fees coming […]

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Telematic Broadcasts Keeping you Updated

These communication sessions offer the industry an opportunity to communicate directly with the Regulator on practical matters. When I looked at the registration page this morning, there were still a number of empty […]

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Regulatoriese Eksamens – Tyd raak Min

Diegene wat voor die einde van 2013 nog die eksamens suksesvol moet aflê, moet asseblief let op die proses wat gevolg moet word, en nie onnodige druk op hulself plaas nie, of hulself […]

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For the Record

Before the Australia All Blacks game, it was mentioned that the average score between the two sides is 25 – 23 in favour of the All Blacks. There must have been more than […]

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Dear Abby at a loss for words

Dear Abby A couple of women moved in across the hall from me. One is a middle-aged gym teacher and the other is a social worker in her mid-twenties. These two women go […]

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New Definition of CPD

In the introduction to this proposed amendment, the Regulator states: The FSB, through the General Financial Services Laws Amendment Bill, 2012, proposed the insertion of a definition for “continuous professional development” in the […]

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New subcategories of financial products

The draft document published by the FSB on proposed changes to the fit and proper requirements makes provision for further distinctions between certain product categories. In 2012 the Registrar granted an exemption to […]

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Bok-Bok Staan Styf

Ek weet nie hoeveel van my Engelse maatjies hierdie speletjie as kind geken het nie, maar ek glo steeds dit is die hoofoorsaak van my rugprobleme. Dit is egter nou die Bokke se […]

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Ancient Wisdom Adjusted to Modern Demands

The tribal wisdom of the Plains Indians, passed on from generation to generation, says: “When you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.” However, in government, […]

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Deadline for completion of REs by representatives

The Fit and Proper Requirements provide for time frames within which a representative must complete the relevant regulatory examinations. These paragraphs must be read with the provisions for the Exemption of Services under […]

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