Banks defend lending criteria amid accusations of discrimination

The government takes banks to task over what it sees as unfair lending practices, proposing mandatory disclosures of declined home loans.

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Square Peg in a Round Hole

Moonstone was intimately involved in developments in the industry since the publication of the FAIS Act of 2002 which became effective in 2004. We acted as recognised body for the licensing process from […]

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FSB Proposes Amendments to 3 Board Notices

In a notice published last week, the FSB requests input from the industry on proposed amendments to three Board Notices: The 2008 Determination of Fit and Proper Requirements The 2008 Determination of Qualifications […]

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Home Wins Crucial

The number of matches in the Super 15 provides some leniency in terms of winning your home games. There is no such luxury in the Currie Cup where there are only ten games […]

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Women over 40

This article is erroneously attributed to Andy Rooney, an old-time American broadcaster. The true author is in fact Frank Kaiser, who wrote this in 2000. Women over 40 As I grow in age, […]

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Litigation Threats Holding up NHI White Paper

Legalbrief Today quotes from a Sake24 report which says that hospital groups are delaying the issuing of a White Paper on the National Health Insurance Scheme through their ‘veiled threats of litigation’. It […]

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Used Spare Parts Kosher Again

A few weeks ago, we reported on proposed legislative changes which would place a ban on the sale of spare parts from scrapped vehicles. A report on IOL News states that sanity appears […]

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Beat the Deadline

August is quite an important month in terms of FSB requirements. FSPs who are obliged to appoint a compliance officer must submit their compliance reports by 15 August. Category II FSPs must ensure […]

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2013 Currie Cup Outlook

In the good old days, when we were out of international rugby, the Currie Cup was the one competition which allowed us to express our affection for the game. Provincialism was not frowned […]

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The Great Switcheroo

I toyed with several titles when contemplating writing this article, but finally settled on this one, from a Roald Dahl short story.  A typical Dahl tale contains unexpected developments in the story line, […]

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Commission Impact on Client Returns

Rob Rusconi shocked the industry in 2004 when he did a presentation to the actuarial society on the impact of expenses on retirement provision of individuals. In the ensuing investigation by the national […]

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Chiefs take the honours in S15 Final

Super Final Contrary to popular (local?) belief, a rugby final does not have to be boring. What I found fascinating was not only the contest on the field, but also the game of […]

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Fees for service

Those who are still uncertain as to whether charging fees is more risky than being paid commission should consider the following example from the second oldest profession in the world: A new client […]

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Where are we with TCF?

All the talk, or rather, the lack of talk about TCF, has a left a lot of us in the lurch as to just where we stand with this initiative. The one bit […]

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Twee Suid-Afrikaners in Finaal

Dis werklik ‘n geval van gryp na strooihalms as mens opgewonde wil raak oor Jake White en Craig Joubert se deelname aan die Super 15 finaal in Hamilton, Nieu-Seeland. Daar was kommentators wat […]

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