Holistic advice ‘the key factor’ in impact of two pots on clients

Clients whose financial habits have been moulded by sound advice over many years are unlikely to act irresponsibly now, says Fairbairn’s Guy Holwill.

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Teacher or Educator?

Teacher or Educator? According to a news report, a certain private school in Newcastle upon Tyne was recently faced with a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick […]

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Nog opsies na 31 Maart 2013

A skryf as volg: Dankie vir al die handige inligting wat ons gereeld van Moonstone ontvang en op julle webtuiste verskyn. Ek hoop jy kan dalk advies gee of my verwys na iemand […]

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Alternative Options after 31 March 2013

Question: I am an FSP, and some of my reps failed to pass the RE 5. Am I allowed to remove all other licence categories, barring Categories 1.1 (Assistance policies) and 1.19 (Friendly […]

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Transfer Frustrations – Section 14

An irate client, who also happens to be an experienced financial advisor, copied me in on a letter to a product provider.  It expresses the feelings of so many others who have shared […]

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Not quite the Two Oceans

The Blitszbokke finally came right. What is more, they did it against New Zealand, a side that seem to have a mental stranglehold on them. Hopefully this will pump them up to improve […]

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Dave Barry on his colonoscopy experience

We publish our annual placing of the award-winning column by Dave Barry on his colonoscopy experience We also test your brightness before you hit the weekend. Try this quiz: How bright are you […]

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Investors take on Product House

An interesting court case is due on 6 May, when investors in an imploded investment scheme take on one of the major life offices. According to a Business Day report, the main complaint […]

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FSB RE Preparation Workshops

The FSB, assisted by industry experts, presented a regulatory exam preparation workshop on 22 February, primarily to assist those who needed to pass the exams before the end of March. We believe it […]

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Check your Licence

When last did you look at your licence document? You know, the one displayed against your wall, flanked by your RE1 and RE 5 certificates? Many people, when they first applied, added everything, […]

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The ABF of RE deadlines are upon us. It is highly unlikely that the FSB will extend the final date for writing and passing the regulatory exams at this late stage. For those […]

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Dis ‘n Slagveld

Hierdie week se voorskou fokus amper meer op wie nié kan speel nie, as die spanne se samestelling self. Bulle lyk Beter Die span vir Saterdag se wedstryd teen die Brumbies is aansienlik […]

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Krediete en Kwalifikasies

Die volgende aanhaling verskyn in die FSB se Voorbereidingsgids vir die Regulatoriese Eksamens: Die gewysigde geskikte en gepaste vereistes wat in 2008 aangekondig is, het die finansiële dienste bedryf aan ‘n nuwe konsep […]

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Marketing is not about the obvious…

In response to last week’s warning against the C-Nile virus, Elize wrote: “Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.” Knocking on […]

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The Devil made me do it

One of the first determinations by the FAIS Ombud concerned a complaint against an advisor who said, in her defence, that she did not place a client’s funds in an investment that went […]

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Dangerous Rumour

We hear that there are people who believe that the 31 March 2013 deadline can be bypassed by simply placing representatives who have failed, under supervision. This is not correct. Representatives If the […]

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FSB’s Enforcement Committee

The Registrar of Financial Services Providers (Registrar) referred a matter against EQ.FIN (Pty) Limited (EQ.FIN) to the Enforcement Committee of the Financial Services Board. The referral relates to a contravention of regulation 3(b) […]

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