Holistic advice ‘the key factor’ in impact of two pots on clients

Clients whose financial habits have been moulded by sound advice over many years are unlikely to act irresponsibly now, says Fairbairn’s Guy Holwill.

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FSB On-Site Visits

On Monday we discussed the functions of the FSB’s FAIS Compliance Department in an article by the same name. We indicated where they get information which leads to further action, including on-site visits […]

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FSB/Inseta Rewrite Workshops

I found the following information on the Inseta website: The FSB announced a further extension to the deadline for the Level 1 Regulatory Exams for those candidates who wrote before 30 June 2012, […]

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Did the Crime fit the punishment?

Further to last week’s article Bark without Bite?, we expand on the closing sentence which read: “ We are not propagating stricter censure for transgressors, but merely asking that a uniform standard be […]

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Super Sevens

What a joy it was to see the Blitsbokke perform so well over the weekend. The game against the All Blacks clearly showed that they have no hang-ups, or hangovers, from their previous […]

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Binder Agreement Workshops

If the current state of bookings is an indication of what will happen in the Currie Cup, the Lions are going to retain their title hands down. The first session in Johannesburg was […]

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FAIS Compliance Department

The functions of this department is to handle complaints and enquiries, and institute regulatory action where required. In a presentation at the FAIS Annual conference in July, it stipulated the following sources from […]

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Rent a Licence

The latest determination by the Ombud again concerns an investment in Sharemax. The Ombud ordered the respondent to buy back the shares at the price it was sold to the complainant. An interesting […]

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Get the Bigger Picture

We still receive many enquiries from candidates who are at their wits ends, having attempted to pass the exams on several occasions. What is particularly sad is when they share what this does […]

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A living will (best not copied)

Although very applicable, this living will may not conform to the requirements set out above: I, _____, being of sound mind and body, do not wish to be kept alive indefinitely by artificial […]

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Living Wills

The article below comes from a newsletter distributed by Sentinel Trust, and was written by Gordon Stuart: From time to time I do get asked about a living will and whether it is […]

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Bark without Bite?

The latest finding by the FSB’s Enforcement Committee (EC) will no doubt raise an eyebrow or two, given the promise of harsher treatment promised in July this year. A short-term provider transgressed Section […]

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CPD Postponed

Board Notice 163 of 2012, published on 3 October 2012, effectively postpones continuous professional development “until further notice.” Readers are reminded to be wary of providers offering workshops claiming that attendance will attract […]

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School quiz

My apologies to those born too recently to get this one. Google SABreweries if you need a clue. In response to a question at the recently held Zimbabwe Inter High Schools Quiz, Goromonzi […]

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