Changes to aspects of FAIS Ombud’s approach to handling complaints

The new Rules also incorporate the proposal to raise the Ombud’s jurisdictional limit from R800 000 to R3.5 million.

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FAIS Newsletter 21

Enquiries indicate that many FSPs do not share important information like this with all their staff. Below is a summary and a link to the full document. Electronic submission of Handover Compliance Reports […]

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Compliance Officer Requirements amended

The Registrar of Financial Services Providers has published the following documents on the official web site of the Financial Services Board: The Amendment of the Notice on Qualifications, Experience and Criteria for Approval […]

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CMS Guidance for 2017

The Council for Medical Schemes’ “Circular 48 of 2016: Guidance on benefit changes and contribution increases for 2017” contains the requirements for the assessment of the benefits and contributions for 2017. Apart from […]

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Authentication of RE Certificates

We often receive queries from employers regarding the validity of RE certificates produced by prospective applicants. This is indeed wise, as we are aware of instances where people fraudulently replicate documents by means […]

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2016 Levies

It is that time of the year again. Below is a summary of what you can expect to pay, courtesy of my colleague Grethe van Heerden, as well as a link to our […]

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Long-term Ombud Annual Report 2015

The office of the Ombudsman for Long-term Insurance (OLTI) needs to be commended for the quality and simplicity of its 2015 annual report. Below are some interesting extracts from the report. General overview […]

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The return of African Bank

Cadiz Asset Management published an interesting article on the way forward for African Bank. In 2014, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) placed African Bank under curatorship following the largest bank and corporate […]

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Reinstatement of Debarred Representatives

We receive enquiries on a daily basis from (often disgruntled) representatives who wish to re-enter the industry by applying to have their debarment lifted. Unfortunately, as a representative, you cannot apply to have […]

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Ministry of Finance on Offshore Accounts

A special voluntary disclosure programme (VDP) was proposed in the 2016 Budget to make it easier for non-compliant individuals and firms to disclose assets held and income earned offshore. As was noted in […]

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Appeal Board refuses further delays

On 23 February 2016, the Appeal Board received a request for postponement of a hearing scheduled for the following day. The appellant and his attorney submitted medical certificates confirming that they had both undergone surgery […]

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Allan Gray reduces investment platform fees

Allan Gray has reduced the annual administration fee on its local platform for investments over R5 million, and on its offshore platform for investments over US$400 000 (or foreign currency equivalent). Effective immediately, for all […]

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Failure to follow up proves costly

The latest FAIS Ombud determination provides clarity on a few perspectives of great importance to FSPs and is discussed separately in this newsletter. The parties are Jacques Du Toit, the complainant, Barrington Insurance […]

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Direct Insurer found wanting by Ombud

Masimdumise Gabriel Bhengu (the complainant) referred a declined claim by Outsurance Insurance Company Limited (the respondent) to the FAIS Ombud. The complaint stems from the complainant’s view that Outsurance failed to ensure that […]

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