Changes to aspects of FAIS Ombud’s approach to handling complaints

The new Rules also incorporate the proposal to raise the Ombud’s jurisdictional limit from R800 000 to R3.5 million.

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Audio Recording of Advice

I found a short article published in the Australian “ifa” online newsletter very interesting. The JBS Financial Strategists boss and 2013 AFA Adviser of the Year (Jenny Brown) told ifa that she originally […]

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Regulatory Exam Update

The dreaded DOFA (Date of First Appointment) deadline is looming for all those people appointed between 30 June and 31 December 2012, and who have not yet successfully completed their Level 1 Regulatory examinations. You have until […]

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Daily RE Questions

  1 What exam must I write? Both the RE5 and RE1 are Level One exams. RE5 is for Representatives and RE1 for Key Individuals. The RE3 exam is for licence category II candidates. […]

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RE Update

The Draft Market Conduct Framework, published late last year, provides the following information on what was earlier called the Level 2 RE, and how it will align with CPD. A revised competency framework for […]

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Disclosure of Material Terms

The importance of making a client aware of material terms and conditions in a policy contract was underlined in a recent FAIS Ombud determination. On 2 March 2013, the complainant’s Hilux was stolen […]

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New Framework for Insurers

Legalbrief Today published an article on 7 January setting out details of the Governance and Risk Management Framework for insurers which come into effect on 1 April 2015. “…the purpose of the prescribed framework is to […]

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RE Update

Fully updated resources are available for those requiring access to the legislation applicable to the regulatory examinations: Click on the following highlighted sections to download the relevant updated Inseta learning material for key […]

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Binder Agreements and Fees under RDR

The FSB’s views of the current landscape of the industry are contained in Section 2 of the retail distribution review discussion document, and are broken up in sector specific sections. Binder agreements and […]

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Retail Distribution Review Discussion Paper

While the general expectation is that this document’s sole intention is to replace commission with fees, it is far more encompassing than that. We publish below some of the aspects contained in the […]

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Disclosure Obligations

The current media spat between attorneys Ronald Bobroff and Partners and Discovery Health has a much wider bearing on the industry than just that of the healthcare environment. In essence, the law firm […]

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FSB Annual Report Statistics

There is always a lot of industry interest in the RE statistics, and the figures contained in the report makes interesting reading. The pass rate for those who wrote the RE 1 for key […]

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Healthcare in South Africa

The eighth edition of Healthcare in South Africa by Liz Still is now available. The focus of the 2014 edition is the regulatory environment and the current profile of the private health sector […]

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Deadline Reminder

It is scary to think that Christmas is only 11 weeks away. If you were granted an extended deadline, you need to do some urgent planning to make things happen. If you are […]

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Amended Preparation Guides

Many learners experience problems when trying to understand the legislation they are required to master in preparing for the level 1 regulatory exams. Whilst there is study material available in layman’s language, the […]

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New Directive from the FIC

Section 29(3) of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act states that all persons who submitted or are obliged to submit a report, may not disclose that fact or any information regarding the contents of […]

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