Changes to aspects of FAIS Ombud’s approach to handling complaints

The new Rules also incorporate the proposal to raise the Ombud’s jurisdictional limit from R800 000 to R3.5 million.

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Inseta Learning Material

The Inseta website underwent a facelift, and learners wishing to download the preparation material for the regulatory exams may experience some difficulty in finding it. Click on this link to go directly to […]

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Piggy banks become investment portfolios

This is the second in a series of articles on savings, published in July, National Savings Month. An article by Rick Briers-Danks, certified financial planner at Veritas Wealth, highlights the need to instil […]

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ASSA Feedback on RDR Proposals

MoneyMarketing recently reported that 50 members of the Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA) agreed to assist the FSB with the assessment of the feedback received on the proposals contained in the Retail […]

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Life in a month

This is the first in a series of articles on savings which will be published in July. An article from Allan Gray portrays, in a very clever manner, how procrastination can severely impact […]

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Islamic Marriages and Divorce Orders

In a recent determination, the Pension Fund Adjudicator ordered an umbrella fund to reverse its decision not to pay a 50% share of a pension interest as decreed in a divorce settlement. According […]

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PAIA Deadline Looming

The ill-fated Promotion of Access to Information Act of 2000 is rearing its head again. Moonstone Compliance provides all its clients with a PAIA manual. The cost of producing such a manual varies […]

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IFA Investment Survey

A study, conducted amongst independent financial advisers by Insight Discovery, could not have come at a better time, given the current review of retail distribution in South Africa. One of the areas currently […]

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POPI Update

It appears that our readers are more attuned to complying with pending legislation than public enterprises. Grant Thornton recently published an article titled: “Public Sector falling behind in POPI Act compliance”: “More than […]

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Tax Assessment Tool

Softbyte Computers recently developed a software program for UNISA to assist tax and accounting students, and is now offering our readers the same student version of WinTax software at no cost. Tony de […]

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Sanlam BENCHMARK Survey

by Patrick Cairns The latest Sanlam BENCHMARK Survey, which takes stock of the behaviour of members of South African pension funds, is full of scary statistics. What is perhaps even scarier is that […]

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Qualifications Lists Updated

The FSB published updated Qualification lists for FSPs and Compliance Officers. If you have a qualification, but is unsure whether it is recognised by the FSB for your specific licence category, this is […]

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Candidates are required to be at the venue 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination session. No candidate may enter the examination venue later than 30 minutes after commencement of an examination […]

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Key Individual Liability

A recent order by the FSB’s Appeal Board highlighted the importance of applying the prescribed methodology where representatives under supervision are concerned. A representative under supervision, Moore, claimed that the directors of Blue […]

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New FSB Fees

The new fees payable to the Registrar of Financial Services were announced on 25 March 2015. A few noteworthy changes are: Item Current Fee (R) New Fee (R) Category I Application 2180 2311 […]

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