FSCA to act to recover R495m in fines owed by Jooste

Authority releases report on fines, debarments, investigations, and licence suspensions and withdrawals in 2023/24.

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Clarifying a statement…

A comment we made on Monday in the Moonstone Investment Indicators Newsletter (18 June) could be misconstrued. A reader submitted the following query: Reading your article we note that you make the comment […]

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Unsustainable Growth a major concern

The latest GrayIssue from Allan Gray contains some sobering thoughts on a ticking time bomb that the government appears to be ignoring in their quest to stay in power. For some time we […]

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An Exam by any other Name

In answer to Shakespeare’s question “What’s in a name?” I have to say: “A heck of a lot” when talking about the regulatory exams. I sometimes wonder whether re-naming the different regulatory exams […]

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Cricket journalism or player bashing?

Pitched online by Bobby My frustrations with the press are growing deeper and deeper as these gramophones just keep whining the same old song! What I am referring to is the Smith & […]

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Dropping catches, players…

Select the link to download the 2012 Rugby Calendar for Outlook: Piched online by Bobby I find myself slightly bored with the current series – perhaps it is because we could afford to […]

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