Have you ever been in a situation where a client gave you a hard time because you followed the rules laid down by a product provider? We had something similar happen this week.
We received a rather threatening email from a friend of a candidate. This was as a result of the candidate having telephonically requested the postponement of her exam a few days before she was due to write. In terms of the procedures laid down by the FSB, we were unable to accede with her request.
All examination bodies are required to abide strictly by the rules and regulations laid down by the FSB. There are very valid reasons for these requirements, and we can get in serious trouble if we do not toe the line.
Unfortunately, threatening that you will go to another examination body if we do not oblige will get you nowhere, as exactly the same rules apply to them.
Please read the Terms and Conditions regarding cancellations again to make sure you understand what is required.