With the Super Eights looming, the Proteas are poised in an ideal position to stake their claim for the World T20 trophy. A clinical performance against a Zimbabwean side and a comprehensive beating of the tournament favourites, and hosts, Sri Lanka, did not ease expectations.
If I was allowed to nit-pick, then the top order of the current side may need reviewing. It remains a bit brittle, and although a 7-over game is not really a fair measure, it remains an area of concern if we look at recent games. With the kind of form Amla is in, I would be eager to open the innings with him and Kallis. A solid platform remains the best option to launch the final onslaught –losing a wicket early on, pressurises the side subconsciously not to lose another.

Including Ontong in the lower order could prove a master stroke as his improvisation with the bat could upset the best settled bowling attack. He is also an exceptional fielder, and this contributes to the skills of your team. The danger, though, is that you are adding another bits and pieces player – jack of all trades, master of none. On a given day, it might seem to be a “master stroke”; on another, perhaps not.
I quite like the idea of specialists and this is probably the reason Kirsten & co have stuck with Levi. –
So yes, it might be nit-picking, but it is a healthy problem, and one that we do have solutions for, should the need arise.
Hoe behoort die Bokspan te lyk?
– By Paul Kruger
Saterdag se wedstryd op Loftus teen die Aussies is vir ons nuwe afrigter ‘n baie belangriker een as wat die meeste mense dink.
Sy missie waarmee hy afgeskop het, was dat die span onoorwonne sou bly. Ek dink nie hy het twee gelykop uitslae in sy eerste ses wedstryde verwag nie, en ook nie om teen ‘n verswakte Wallaby span te verloor nie.
You cannot keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. Vergeet nou maar die Morné Steyn opsie as al wat nodig is om ons in ‘n wenspan te verander. Vir my gaan dit oor meer as wen – dit gaan oor hoe ons dit doen. Die vorige afrigter het ‘n skrumskakel wat totaal onfiks en oorgewig was, bly kies omdat hy twee jaar tevore ‘n drie gedruk het om ons te teen die All Blacks te laat wen.
Die WP se skielike vermoë om drieë te druk, kan dalk die bloudruk bevat wat Meyer soek. As jy volhard met 10-man rugby, sal 15 manne jou telkens klop, maak nie saak hoe akkuraat jy skop nie.
Kies die spelers wat voor die bal kan wen, en agterlangs drieë kan druk. As daar ‘n prop in die pyp is wat keer dat besit in punte omskep word, verwyder dit. Al is dit ‘n Springbok. Of jou kaptein.
Toe ek vanoggend lees dat Morné nou sommer baie meer op sy gemak lyk omdat hy tuis is, en Goosen kaalvoet moes oefen weens ‘n gekneusde hakskeen, toe voel ek hoe my maag op ‘n ongesonde knop trek.
Hy gaan dit nie doen nie, gaan hy?