I became quite loud on Monday as the match between the Proteas and England progressed. After the elation of watching Amla yet again re-writing the record books, I posted on Facebook that Hashim is actually an excellent example of how one should remain humble despite great achievements.
Although we posted a challenging score, I was skeptical about the chances of our relatively inexperienced bowlers taking ten wickets, or preventing the English, who had won their previous 11 matches, from exceeding our score.
A glimmer of hope dawned as Thotsobe took the first wicket with only the second ball, and thanks to an excellent team effort, we pulled off the win, and moved to number 1 in the world.
In all honesty, I have no idea what we did to be number 1 in the T-20 version of the game. Maybe they looked at individual performances at the IPL League? I cannot even recall when last we played as a national team. Maybe some bright van out there can enlighten me?
I found the following explanation for our position in the one-day format on Cricinfo:
The big difference between the recent records for England and South Africa has been the teams’ overseas performance. During England’s powerful run between 2009 and 2011, most of their emphatic wins were achieved in England: Australia was the only major opposition they beat in an away series – their other overseas win was in Bangladesh, while they drew in South Africa. On the other hand, they beat West Indies, Australia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India at home.
South Africa’s move up the table, though, has been based on wins both home and away. In 27 away Tests since December 2009, they have a 14-4 win-loss record, with no series losses. That record dips slightly in home Tests, to 16-9 in 28 matches, with one series defeat in ten.
Teams in Test cricket since December 2006 (excl. Tests v B’desh and Zim) |
Team |
Tests |
W/L |
Ratio |
Away Tests |
W/L |
Ratio |
South Africa |
51 |
26/ 13 |
2.00 |
25 |
12/ 4 |
3.00 |
Australia |
61 |
34/ 16 |
2.12 |
29 |
12/ 9 |
1.33 |
Pakistan |
40 |
10/ 16 |
0.62 |
36 |
10/ 15 |
0.66 |
England |
69 |
27/ 21 |
1.28 |
31 |
7/ 14 |
0.50 |
India |
59 |
21/ 18 |
1.16 |
33 |
8/ 16 |
0.50 |
Sri Lanka |
45 |
13/ 14 |
0.92 |
20 |
3/ 10 |
0.30 |
New Zealand |
37 |
4/ 21 |
0.19 |
17 |
1/ 12 |
0.08 |
West Indies |
46 |
6/ 22 |
0.27 |
23 |
1/ 13 |
0.07 |
From this it is evident that we are not there because of a fluke. It is well deserved. Now we have to maintain this, starting at the Oval tomorrow, at 13h00.

Meyer se Manne
Jake White het gister beweer daar is net twee soorte SA afrigters; die wat afgedank is, en die wat nog afgedank moet word. Dis omtrent al wat ek geniet het van sy tirade gister oor Meyer en sy keuse van spelpatroon. In my boek oor etiket spoel ‘n voormalige afrigter nie sy mond so gereeld uit oor opvolgers soos wat White dikwels doen nie. Mens kry soms die idee dat hy eerder die politiek moet betree. Daar kan mens wel bo kom deur op ander te trap.
Dis moeilik om te glo daar is nou mense wat dink dat Piet Helium ‘n beter joppie sou gedoen het as Meyer. Dit is dieselfde ouens wat geskree het “Kruisig hom!” toe Piet Snor die Springbok ouetehuis bestuur het.
Dink bietjie verder terug; soos toe PdV by Jake oorgeneem het. Toe het almal gemor dat hy net goed doen omdat die kern van die span uit Jake se seëvierende Wêreldbeker spelers bestaan het.
Terloops, is dit nie presies wat tans by die All Blacks aan die gang is nie? Die Kiwis lyk tans onkeerbaar, maar kom ons kyk so oor ‘n jaar. Sonder Carter en McCaw lyk hulle ook maar feilbaar.
Maar terug na die span. Ek hou van Meyer se erkenning dat hy fouteer het, en sy spankeuses dui daarop dat hy dit wil regstel. As mens mooi daaroor dink, dan is ons loting in die huidige reeks baie voordelig. Eers die Pumas tuis, dan weg en dan Australië daar. Dit gee ons dus drie goeie geleenthede om ons voete te vind voor ons die gunstelinge pak, en terselfdertyd genoeg van hulle te sien om effektief te kan voorberei, en die regte spankeuses te maak.
Ons sal nader aan die tyd uitbrei oor sekere posisies waar daar probleme blyk te wees. Die span wat teen die Aussies speel gaan,ironies genoeg, baie fisies moet wees om hierdie swakheid van die Wallabies uit te buit. Tog glo ek sekere veranderinge is nodig.
My ouboet het eendag, toe ek nog jonk en jeukerig was, vir my gesê: Dis baie makliker om jou naam krater te maak, as om dit in ere te herstel. Ek wil vir die Bokke dieselfde raad gee wat dissipline betref. Ons het spelers wat hard speel, en ons het spelers wat geniepsig is.
Een van die redes waarom ons almal dink die All Blacks kom soms met moord weg, is juis hul reputasie as ‘n span wat nie vuil speel nie. Kom ons wees realisties: presies dieselfde duikslag deur Bakkies en McCaw sal waarskynlik tot ‘n geelkaart vir Botha en ‘n vriendelike vermaning vir Richie lei.Jy benodig nie ‘n graad in vuurpyl tegnologie om te verstaan waarom nie. Ons is nou beter daaraan toe in hierdie opsig as ‘n paar jaar gelede.
Kom ons hoop Meyer kry dit reg om hierdie eerlike harde spelers te kry en te behou. Die Bullebakke kan dan maar in Frankryk of waar ookal dit die norm is, hulle rugby gaan speel.
For our lady readers
And finally, for the many female readers who enjoy this spot as much as the men: I came across this glorious piece of advice which I am sure you will find most enlightening, if not familiar.