T20 World Cup – Super Eights – the weekend preview
As expected Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Ireland and Zimbabwe were eliminated from the tournament, so no surprises as we progress to the next phase. The Super Eights phase consists of two groups who play each other in a round robin format – the top two sides of each group progress to the semi-finals and then the winners to the final.
The bookmakers have the Proteas as the favourites but they do find themselves in the group of “death” along with Pakistan, Australia and India (Group 2). A tough ask for any team!
Friday’s game against Pakistan will be the first real test since the England tour if, that is, we play forty overs! The reason why I say that, is that it is difficult to judge a game on 7 overs, as was the case against Sri Lanka. This should have been a real test of our preparedness, but the momentum we gained from the good start in the tournament will certainly count in our favour.
Our game against Australia, on Sunday, should be the “easier” of the two games but the Aussies always put up a fight, especially against us. The Proteas should be able to hold their own, though. Levi might use this opportunity to impress If all goes well over the weekend, including the rugby, we should have the Aussies quiet for a while.
The team I fear most, though, is Pakistan. They are strong contenders to win this tournament in my opinion. They seem to be operating slightly under the radar but getting the results.
The semi-final in 2007 (SA v Pak) is still an unpleasant reminder of their ability to upset favourites.
Provinsialisme Uit die Mode
– by Paul Kruger
Die samestelling van die Springbokspan vir Saterdag se toets teen die Wallabies verskil aanmerklik van die een wat in die eerste toets teen die Engelse uitgedraf het. Ondersteuners in die Suide is verheug dat daar nou meer van “hulle” spelers as Bulle is, terwyl die Sharks met reg kan vra watter span die verste gevorder het in die Super 15.
Kan ons nie maar provinsialisme in rugby, soos kleur in politiek, asseblief nou maar agter die rug laat nie?
Is dit nie baie meer bevorderlik vir SA Rugby dat daar vyf twintigjariges in die span is, eerder as waar hulle vandaan kom nie?

Vanoggend sit ek en dink aan Johan Goosen se eerste skop pale toe, en stuur so ’n klein skietgebedjie op dat dit tog asseblief vlak voor die pale moet wees. Ons almal het nou ons sin gekry, maar dis werklik ‘n formidabele taak wat op sy skouers rus – nie net in terme van ‘n toets begin nie, maar veral die verwagtinge wat ons rugby fanataci van hom het.
Die Wallabies se eie Kevin Pietersen, Quade Cooper, speel reg in die hande van die SA span. Ek lees vanoggend dat Robbie Deans nie op vrae oor Cooper se tweets wou reageer nie, want hulle wil nie toelaat dat dit hulle aandag aflei nie. Ek dink dit het klaar.
Die Argentyne se span is onveranderd, en mens hoop dit sal bydra tot nog ‘n goeie vertoning van hierdie span wat alles behalwe aspoestertjies is in hul eerste jaar.
Dalk moet die Kings ‘n wedstryd of twee daar gaan speel voor die volgende jaar se Superreeks om te sien hoe dit gedoen word?
Parting shot: If Quade Cooper’s planned combination with Sonny-Bill in rugby league does not quite work out, he can always fall back on his experience in the IT Trade.
Something to do with laptop transportation, if I recall?