That peaceful process, which unites us as a nation, happens on Saturday, when Heyneke Meyer announces his side for the first test against Italy. We introduce you to a lekker website where armchair selectors can join forces to select the best team, saving the authorities the trouble. We also run a little competition to discover which of you can best read Meyer’s mind, and briefly chat about the main Super 15 match this weekend.
Testing times
After Saturday, the rugby focus shifts to the international arena.
A website that is receiving wide media coverage was designed by a 13-year old girl. Naturally, Rouxve Meyer is from the Western Cape, where rugby is in our blood from birth.
SA Select provides members, or selectors, as they are known, the opportunity to select and submit their own Springbok team. All votes are then counted, and the site displays the team based on the votes per player. Selectors can then discuss or comment on the current popular team, view other users’ teams by visiting their profiles and view the overall rankings of players for every position.
It currently has 1723 members. When this website was discussed in Sport24 on 16 May, membership stood at 342. You go Girl!
Reg. Nou dat die manne in Pretoria, Durban, Bloemfontein en PE se bloed en pensmis weer geskei is na my openingsparagraaf, kan ons gesels oor hoe jy moontlik die trotse eienaar kan word van ‘n unieke Moonstone geheuestafie.
Stuur vir ons jou 22-tal teen Vrydag om in aanmerking te kom. Julle weet seker dat ons in die Kaap juis op Vrydae op ons produktiefste is, maar nie noodwendig in die kantoor nie. As deel van ons gemeenskapsdiens verpligtinge help ons graag om die plaaslike boere se produkte te ondersteun. Stuur dus maar jou span vroeër, eerder as later.
As befits a true democracy, the rules of the competition are entirely at our discretion. Who knows, you may even win a prize just for entering. Ons is nie suinig nie.
Clash of the SA Titans
When the Bulls take on the Cheetahs in Bloemfontein on Saturday, many of us will be impartial bystanders. My first reaction is to wish for a draw, but this could affect their standing on the log, so a win will be first prize for both sides. The most pleasing aspect for me is that the two sides playing the most attractive rugby currently lead the SA log.
There will be a number of duels which will be titanic battles within the bigger war. Jan Serfontein against Robert Ebersohn will be one. The fact that Serfontein was withdrawn from the Junior Bok side implies that Heyneke has bigger plans for him, while Ebersohn is enjoying a wonderful season. With Johan Sadie back to the form of two years ago, the Cheetahs’ centres look ominous.
The main battle for me will be between Morné Steyn and the back trio of the Cheetahs. Steyn is playing his best rugby in years, and is the major trump card for the Bulls. It is not only his accurate kicking at goal – his tactical kicking creates opportunities which his wings are very adept at utilising. The Cheetahs love counter attacking from such kicks. This is going to be huge.
And Finally
In an attempt to cover more sports than rugby, we include hockey this week:
“All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity.” Gordie Howe.