‘New’ and ‘old’ accountable institutions must comply with the provisions of Fica
Sanctions can include a fine of up to R10 million in respect of a natural person and R50m in respect of a legal person.
Sanctions can include a fine of up to R10 million in respect of a natural person and R50m in respect of a legal person.
Since the implementation of the Determination of Fit and Proper Requirements for Financial Services Providers, 2017 on 1 April 2018, various exemptions were issued to deal with new requirements. According to the FSCA certain provisions […]
Since the implementation of the Determination of Fit and Proper Requirements for Financial Services Providers, 2017 on 1 April 2018, various exemptions were issued to deal with new requirements. According to the FSCA certain provisions […]
There are actually three certainties in this world: Death, taxes and major regulatory updates in December every year, as the industry starts winding down for the silly season. One of these is the […]
There are actually three certainties in this world: Death, taxes and major regulatory updates in December every year, as the industry starts winding down for the silly season. One of these is the […]
Towards the end of July 2020, National Treasury published the Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, 2020. One of the proposals relates to an overhaul of the rule for taking retirement funds abroad. In […]
In a note to Moonstone compliance officers, Billy Seyffert, COO of Moonstone Compliance and Legal notes: “These are some of the most important changes since the 2017 F&P changes.” The Financial Sector Conduct […]
The Minister of Social Development, Ms Bathabile Dlamini (pictured above), issued a media release on Friday, 6 May, to explain the background to amendments to the Social Assistance Act, 2004, published on the same […]
The proposals concerning competency requirements under the new Fit and Proper regulations, published in December 2015, include the following: Experience It is proposed that, in order for a person to be approved as a […]