‘Enhanced member engagement’ yields higher inflows for Alexforbes
Profit from operations increased by 13% despite higher operating expenses attributed in part to implementing the two-pot system.
Profit from operations increased by 13% despite higher operating expenses attributed in part to implementing the two-pot system.
Assets under management grew to a R3.8 trillion, up 13.7% year-on-year, supported by strong equity market performance.
Jittery investors continue to forego the benefits of remaining invested in equity portfolios over the long term.
Alexforbes is focusing on individual consulting as its main growth area, with in-fund asset flows of R3.5 billion for the year.
Introducing prescribed assets for retirement funds won’t solve South Africa’s solvency problems, directors say.
The higher-for-longer interest rate environment has kept investors away from risk assets, particularly in emerging markets.
The group grows its total assets under management by 5% and resumes declaring an interim dividend.
The final dividend was 14% higher than last year, while headline earnings rose by 11% to R1.033bn.
ASISA attributes the growth to market performance and net inflows of R110 billion over the 12 months to the end of December 2023.
Insights from Ninety One on the sector’s investment flows, fee trends, and revenue growth.
But AUM grew by 11% when measured over the 12 months to the end of September.