National Treasury proposes more changes to the two-pot retirement system
Delaying the implementation date and raising the seeding cap are among the announcements and clarifications.
Delaying the implementation date and raising the seeding cap are among the announcements and clarifications.
Statistics for the first half of 2023 show a high number of lapses and surrenders as consumers are squeezed by the cost of living.
Retirement industry bodies plead for a later implementation date, but Cosatu says 1 March next year is a ‘red line’.
Organisations representing the retirement industry call attention to the ‘problematic’ provisions in the draft legislation for the two-pot retirement system.
But reinvestments exceed net outflows, leaving the local collective investment schemes industry with an effective net inflow of R16bn.
The average balanced fund has delivered about CPI + 2% over 10 years, which is well below the returns these funds aim to deliver.
Policyholders and beneficiaries receive claims and benefits payments worth R578 billion in 2022, the second-highest paid in a year.
Industry hopes amendments to regulation 28, separating hedge funds and private equity investments, will boost inflows.
The legislation may not be finalised until October this year.
It’s too soon to tell how grey-listing will affect the industry, says Asisa.
Investors took an interesting approach to last year’s rollercoaster investment environment, says Asisa.
FSCA says giving investors in a targeted portfolio an opportunity to object will not effectively nullify the exemption.
Assets under management by local collective investment schemes once again surpass R3 trillion.
SA’s 14.3 million income-earners have enough life and disability insurance to cover only 45% of their total insurance needs.
Alternatively, how much less households will have to spend following the loss of a breadwinner.
Yet younger income-earners will have to rely on insurance benefits for longer.
An estimated R88.56 billion in unclaimed assets are held by institutions across the financial sector. However, the FSCA says the amount might be far higher because there is no common understanding of what […]