People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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Material Terms and Speculative Complaints

There appears to be different views between certain Ombuds on the obligations of various parties in disclosing material terms which are required to assist a client in making an informed decision. It also […]

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PFA Ruling on Fund Returns

It is standard practice that Ombuds do not rule on what investors may deem to be unsatisfactory returns. This ruling is interesting for two reasons: The complainant alleged that excessive fees caused the […]

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Client Care – how are we really doing?

Two conflicting headlines in recent industry newsletters raise the question whether clients are treated fairly by the industry. “Complaints to (Long-term) ombudsman reach record number.” “South African consumers are very satisfied with the […]

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Treating Customers Fairly and Complaints Management

Sometimes, something that appears insignificant can have rather important ramifications. The Regulator recently requested all registered short-term insurers who are members of the Short-term Ombudsman (OSTI) to provide full details of personal lines […]

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Enforcement Committee: Ogre or Opportunity?

We briefly touched on this topic in a previous article FSB Enforcement Committee. In this article we expand on the actual workings of the Enforcement Committee, and provide information that will stand you […]

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