People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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CPD – 31 May Deadline drawing ever nearer

In terms of the Fit & Proper requirements (BN194), CPD for regulatory (FSCA) purposes was officially implemented as a requirement. This means advisors are obliged to perform CPD activities towards regulatory (FSCA) CPD […]

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Moonstone Monitor approved for CPD hours

The new Fit and Proper Determination requires that certain individuals are required to obtain a specified number of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) hours between 1 June 2018 and 31 May 2019. In response to an application to […]

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The Essentials of CPD

If we had to draw up a hit parade of enquiries received from readers, debarments would be top of the pops, closely followed by CPD – continuous professional development. This is not surprising […]

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CPD and Reps Working Under Supervision

K writes: I read your article on the effective date of 1 June 2018 for Continuous Professional Development, and your comment that it leaves little time to plan for compliance. Please clarify whether representatives under […]

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Continuous Professional Development

Under the old dispensation, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) was the third leg of the journey towards becoming a true professional, after successfully completing the level 1 and 2 regulatory examinations. Now that the level 2 […]

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CPD Revisited

A reader recently wrote: I provide training on behalf of a registered medical scheme to accredited brokers on medical scheme benefit options, underwriting and processes.  I recently attended a broker training session at the […]

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Future Product Training

The latest proposed amendments regarding intermediary proficiency stem from a review of the competency framework, and aims to build on the existing requirements by establishing an effective and proportionate regulatory framework to ensure […]

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RDR Status update November 2016 Part 1

The new “Level 2” REs and CPD Background Almost exactly six years ago, give or take a day or five, Moonstone presented the very first Level 1 Regulatory Examinations. At that time, it was […]

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