People’s expenses change in retirement. Shouldn’t their income too?

Conventional wisdom says that living expenses rise uniformly with inflation, so many financial plans are based simply on that. But analysing the spending patterns of retirees shows us that the data tells a different story.

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Debarment Guidelines Withdrawn

The document titled “Guideline on the Determination of Reappointment of Debarred Representatives”, published on 13 July 2011, was withdrawn in a notice published on Friday, 20 October 2017. No reason for the withdrawal was given, nor was […]

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Debarment and TCF

The necessity for a process to ensure that those who fall foul of the fit and proper requirements are not allowed to practice was never in question. In particular, the bad apples need […]

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Reinstatement after Debarment

My husband was debarred almost 5 years ago, the reason for debarment was justified and fair. That said I do believe that he has paid enough for his mistakes. Recently an FSP approached […]

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Debarment Update

The Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr publication Finance and Banking Alert – 17 October 2016 carries an article titled, Debarment of Delinquent FAIS Representatives. It provides a brief outline of what to do when a […]

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Debarment after suspension

A recent Appeal Board decision contained a number of interesting comments regarding the withdrawal of a licence and debarment of a FSP. Background The appellant’s licence was withdrawn as a result of non-payment […]

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Debarment overturned by Board of Appeal

The Board was recently tasked with reviewing a decision by the Registrar to debar Ms LA Teixeira for 5 years and to withdraw the authorisation of her business. The grounds for the Registrar’s […]

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To debar, or not to debar?

To rephrase the Bard, this should not really be the question – there is a better option. Representatives appointed in the second half of 2013, and the first half of 2014, and who […]

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Reinstatement of Debarred Representatives

We receive enquiries on a daily basis from (often disgruntled) representatives who wish to re-enter the industry by applying to have their debarment lifted. Unfortunately, as a representative, you cannot apply to have […]

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When is a debarment not a debarment? Part 2

Alan Holton of Compliance Monitoring Systems, and a Moonstone Compliance associate, continues his in-depth look at this very contentious issue from a legal perspective. The FSB produced a GUIDELINE ON THE DEBARMENT PROCESS […]

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When is a debarment not a debarment? Part 1

This subject normally elicits more responses from readers than most others. Alan Holton of Compliance Monitoring Systems, and a Moonstone Compliance associate, takes an in-depth look at this very contentious issue from a […]

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Important Lessons from Debarment Appeal

There is a tendency to see legislation that regulates financial services as operating differently from other laws. While the processes may sometimes differ, the same principles apply. This became evident in a recent […]

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Appeal against Debarment not Upheld

Details of appeals against decisions by the FSB’s Enforcement Committee provide very interesting insight into the practical application of legislation affecting most of our subscribers. What makes it even more interesting is that […]

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Debarments still a Headache

Louis Wessels, FSB legal consultant, writes in the latest FSB Bulletin that the debarment of representatives, unlike those involving key individuals, remain a taxing problem for the Regulator. Readers may recall that we […]

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